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As New Year’s Eve approached I knew I had a problem. The twins had invited me to spend it with them at the Burrow and the Weasley’s were more than happy to have me and the rest of us. The twins put on a fantastic firework display. Unfortunately it is going to be a full moon so Remus can’t go and Sirius and Tonks agreed to stay with him. The ones around Christmas are always the worst for werewolf transformation, only because that’s the anniversary of when Remus was bitten. I really want to go to the Twins but I know Remus won’t let me. There was only one way I was going to the Burrow, ask someone else. I thought I better not ask Tonk’s because she was getting really close to Remus and would try and talk me out of it. So there was only one other person in the house, my father. Sirius was sitting reading something in the library. I made sure Remus wasn’t around and I knocked on the door.

“Come in!” a voice called from behind the door. I swung it open with a big grin on my face.

“Hi!” I said brightly. He looked over his small circler reading glasses and raised his eyebrows.

“What do you want?” he asked.

“What makes you think I want something?” I asked innocently. He just stared at me with his big grey eyes. He did so until I cracked. “Okay, okay, I want to go to the Burrow for New Year’s Eve. Can I go please?” I begged.

“You know it is the worst full moon that night.” He said returning to his book.

“Yes but all of the other years I was the only one here. Now you and Tonks can help him. You are more experienced you do not need me!” I moaned trying to get my point across.

“You will have to ask Remus.” he replied. I threw myself into the chair and sulked. After a few minuets he looked over his rims of his glasses to see me crossed armed and legged with a screwed up look on my face. “Electra go and ask Remus you never know!” he said annoyed that I was disturbing his reading. At this moment Remus walked in and sat down. “Speak of the devil.” Sirius said nodding his head at me then Remus. Remus narrowed his eyes at me suspiciously.

“What is it?” he asked. I remained silent and watched as Sirius was nodding me to go on.

“Can I go to the Burrow on New Year’s Eve to see the fireworks? You have Tonks and Sirius you do not need me.” I moaned in one full breath.

“No, I need you here. You know that this is one of the worst nights for me.” He said bitterly.

“But…” I started to argue.

“No buts Electra, my word is final!” he said cutting me off. By this point Sirius had stopped reading his book and was looking at the disappointment on my face.

“Come on Remus, cant you let her go out. She is right you do have me and Tonks. We can handle it.” Sirius said backing me up. I perked up a little but then I saw the anger on Remus face.

“Sirius I said no. do not contradict me again.” He said his eyes wide.

“Just let her go.” Sirius said raising his voice.

“No.” Remus said also raising his voice.

“She is my daughter!” as soon as I heard Sirius say this I closed my eyes. Not this argument again.

“You did not bring her up! I did, it was me who fed her clothed her, even with my condition!” Remus shouted and standing up.

“And that wasn’t my fault! You weren’t there defending my case, you thought I was guilty!” Sirius also stood up and shouted.

“No, I was not there because I was looking after your child!” the anger was unbearable.

“Look guys…” I began to say and I also stood up.

“Sit down!” Remus glared at me. I immediately sat down sunk into my chair.

“Do not speak to my daughter like that!” Sirius said defending me.

“You have only known her for a year! You weren’t there when she got expelled, when she had her first boyfriend and when she got in trouble.” The tension was high and the house was silent.

“That’s absurd.” Sirius said mocking him and looking him up and down.

“What? You’re…you’re absurd!” Remus shouted back.

“What…say that to my face?” Sirius said standing dangerously close to him.

“You’re absurd.” Remus dared.

“That’s absurd!” Sirius was getting angry and so was Remus.

“Let’s ask Electra what she has to think?” they both turned to me. Equally eager to see which one, if any I would pick. I tired to sink more into the chair but I was already as deep as I could go.

“Don’t ask me.” I cowered in the chair.

“See she won’t answer because she is scared of you.” Sirius guessed.

“Well, no…” I began to say only to be cut off my Remus.  

“No, she doesn’t answer because she hates you for not paying her enough attention when harry is around.” Remus blurted out.

“Hold on…” I could not get a word in. they were now shouting at the same time and I could not make out any more words. Suddenly the door swung open and a ginger headed twin popped his head around the corner. Remus and Sirius were silent and stopped dead and turned to look at him. The twin was George and he looked pretty scared.

“Not interrupting am I?” he asked sarcastically. The boy’s faces were turning angry. I shot up on my feet and quickly shuffled towards George.

“Nope, lets go.” I said quickly and grabbed his arm. I pulled him out of the room and slammed the door behind us. As soon as I did so the arguments started.

“What on earth was that about?” George asked.

“That same thing as last time.” I said taking a huge breath. George gave me a comforting smile.

In the end I did not get to go to the Burrow for New Year’s Eve. Instead I decided to stay with Remus. Thankfully the night went without a hitch. It was finally time to go back to Hogwarts. I gave a hug to Remus then Sirius then Tonks. After that I was off, I practically ran to the Hogwarts express. All the twins could talk about was the fantastic firework display. Settling back into school life was easy, a detention in my first lesson back with Umbridge, for not doing homework we weren’t set. Dumbledore’s army continued to run with the help of Harry and a bit from me, but it was about to become a lot harder to sneak around. It happened about three weeks into the term. We were all in potions class and Harry was missing. Snape did not seem too bothered; it was only one more exciting detention to give him. I had paired up with Rainey to make a sleeping antidote. We were just about to add the crushed snake fangs when Harry came bursting in.

“Dumbledore’s gone!” He breathed. I was obvious he had been running.

“Pardon, Mr Potter.” Snape asked severely.

“He has just disappeared, with his phoenix.” Harry was still trying to catch his breath. Snape looked increasingly worried.

“Why how did you know?” I asked, the whole class was curious and listened.

“They found out about Dumbledore’s army. They tried to have me expelled but the headmaster took the rap. Umbridge tried to arrest him but he disappeared in a puff of smoke.” Snape seemed oblivious to everything that was being said.

“So who gets to be the headmaster now?” I asked curiously. The whole room pondered.

“Snape?” Rainey asked.

“Me?” Snape enquired.

“No, me! Your momma!” came a squeaky voice. We all turned to look at the door. The new headmaster was Umbridge.  

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