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I took a sharp intake of breath as I stopped suddenly an inch from the floor. Having only a split second to recover from winding me, I dropped onto the cold floor. I pushed myself up with a grunt. I could see the others around me doing the same. As I got to my feet I looked at the old room. It was like a cave, the walls were made out of stone as was the floor. It was quite plain except for the huge empty gateway in the middle of the rock we were standing on. I could hear silent whispers from the archway, but there was no one there. I stepped closer.

“Get behind me!” I heard Harry shout. He was looking up towards where we had just fallen. We all crowed behind him, pointing our wands at the unknown. It was silent you could not hear a sound. I looked closely into the dark, something was moving. Immediately several puffs of jet black smoke sped downwards towards us. I armed my wand but before I could cast a spell the descent of the black cloud was on us. Luna was snatched from my side then Hermione. My eyes widen with terror as a black cloud raced towards me and knocked me from me place. It felt like disapperating, but a whole lot darker. Before I knew what was going on I was stood upright with a dark wand pointing towards my neck. My captor had a fist of my hair, pulling back my head to get a better view of my neck. As I glanced at him I saw it was Bellatrix’s husband, Rudolph. I looked around the edges of the room, everyone else was being held by deatheaters, wands armed against them, powerless to stop anything. Harry was left in the middle looking at us all helplessly. I spotted Bellatrix with Neville, she looked very threatening. Lucious was standing proudly before Harry.

“You really thought you, children, could beat us?” He entertained his fellow deatheaters. They all sneered and growled in agreement. “Now stop playing adults and give me the prophecy.” He said his hand ready to take it. Harry was hesitant and shook his head. “Look I will make this simple for you. Either you give me the prophecy or your friends die!” Malfoy was an evil man. Harry looked at the glowing prophecy in his hand and then at each one of us. The pain was obvious in his eyes. When he met my eye I shook my head, until Rudolph pulled my head back more making me cry in pain.

“Don’t do it Harry!" Neville bravely cried out, only to be silenced by Bellatrix. Harry took a deep breath and slowly moved his hand towards Malfoy. The grin was growing on his face as Harry placed the prophecy into his hand. As he had full grasp of it he thrust it into the air, as a sign of victory.

“Now let my friends go!” Harry said bluntly. Malfoy laughed evilly.

“Now why would I do that?” He chuckled. He was getting dangerously close to Harry. As we were all transfixed on there talking a flash of white light apperated behind them. A smile broadened across my face as Sirius stepped out of the light. He strolled up to Malfoy and tapped him on the shoulder. As he turned around he spoke.

“Get away from my Godson.” He simply said and punched him. Malfoy went flying and so did the prophecy. Malfoy dove for it but he was to far away, it smashed into smoke on a point of a rock. Now multiple white clouds apperated into the room. From one I saw Tonks appear. As I watched in awe the grip on my hair was released. I spun around to see Rudolph on the floor and Remus standing there with a smile.

“Remus!” I shouted hugging him. An explosion happened behind us, making us duck.

“Quickly.” He shouted and pushed me behind a rock. Immediately a battle broke out between the deatheaters and the Order of the Phoenix. I could see the others gathered behind another large rock and Tonks protecting them. She winked at me and continued with the battle. Bellatrix apperated over to her and they began to duel. Sirius and Harry were on the rock battling Malfoy. Suddenly Bellatrix and Tonks apperated and continued there fight in the air. The white and black clouds twisting together and Bellatrix’s cruel laughter filling the room. Remus was now in front of the rock fighting off various other deatheaters. I caught my breath and jumped up to help him.

“Petrificus Totalus!” I screamed at a deatheater behind Remus’s back. I got back to back with him and we began to duel from either side.

“You shouldn’t even be here, get down Electra!” He screamed in-between spells.

“And what? Let you have all of the fun?” I laughed back. I heard a grunt from the air and I looked up as did Remus. To our relief it was from the black cloud. It went shooting down to the ground and Tonks apperated next to us.

“Nice one Tonks!” I screamed.

“Not to bad yourself.” She winked. Mad Eye was fighting off Deatheaters left right and center. As I hit yet another deatheater, Malfoy flew passed my sight. I watched smugly as he weakly disapperated out of the room completely, leaving his fellow deatheaters to do all the work.

“Avada Kedavra!” A bitter voice called came from behind us. My head shot round as a flash of green evaded my eye sight. On a perched rock I saw Bellatrix looking smug and evilly happy. I followed her gaze to catch a glimpse of Sirius falling into the veil. My heart stopped. The sound around me became muffled. It felt like time was still. A searing pain shoots through my chest. I saw Remus struggling to hold Harry back from jumping in after him. I begin to run towards the veil, tears streaming down my eyes.

“Get her!” I hear Remus screamed. Before I could reach the rock a hand wrapped around my waist and hauled me back. I saw Tonks face as I struggled against her.

“No!” I cried, loudly and pained. Gasps of pain and hurt left my lips as I violently tried to release myself of her grip. Harry was now free of Remus’s grip and was running off in the opposite direction. I finally wriggled free of Tonk’s grip and was now running towards the veil once more. Remus crouched below me and swung me over his shoulder. My arms were desperately reaching out towards the archway, trying to reach him, trying to save him. Remus was walking me away. My hair was draped over my face, stuck with tears. My heart was slowly ripping apart. I had only just got him back, only just connected; I could not lose him now. Remus settled me down upright next to a rock. I thrust my head against it, my mouth wide open and cries echoing the cave. I felt Remus’s rough hand brush away my hair. He held his hands either side of my cheeks, trying to connect with me. I squeezed my eyes shut, hoping it would all go away, the pain, the event. And maybe when I opened my eyes all would be well again.

“Electra! Come on!” The tearful voice of Remus broke through my wall. I looked at him; he was obviously trying to stay strong for me.

“I’m…I…I’m so sorry!” I blurted out, new tears flooding from my eyes. I buried my head into his chest as he hugged me. He stood me up.

“We need to help Harry, come on.” He said shakily. As I breathed in the air trembled. I looked up, trying to stop my tears. I nodded and swallowed. I had stopped the tears for now but the pain was still there. As we ran out of the room the main hall of the ministry was in tatters. Pieces of black marble were worn and flung halfway across the room. Water was splashed everywhere in puddles. Glass from the offices was piled painfully onto the ground. I looked to the floor where I saw Dumbledore leaning over Harry, who was covered in sand. The sand was risen around him and the shadow of what looked like Voldermort was there talking to him, it looked like. The rest of us were standing next to the fountain. Suddenly the shadow became a clear figure and indeed it was Voldermort standing above him. His snake like head, slitted nostrils and red eyes. He wore a long black cloak and as quickly as we had seen him, he was gone. Dumbledore took Harry in his arms to check if he was okay. A green flame rose from the fireplace and the minister came out with a few auroras. He looked at the devastation around him. He was shocked and annoyed. He had seen Voldermort.

“He's back!” He whispered violently.

“Well duh!” I cried out loud, my voice quivering. I brought my hand up to my mouth to stop my cries. I felt Remus’s arm wrap around my shoulders. He was really gone.

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