The best Christmas present.

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Twice a week we would all meet up as Dumbledore’s army in the room of requirement. We switch the days around so the Slytherin’s would not catch us. It was the last week of term, before I could finally go away from Hogwarts during Christmas. This was going to be our last lesson before the holidays and Harry wanted to see how good we were.

“Would you like to go first Electra?” Harry asked. I nearly skipped up to the front. Harry looked up and down the line, seeing who I should face. I had already beaten Rainey and the twins and mostly the rest of the group stood backwards. “Umm, Summer.” He finally said. I had met Summer maybe once or twice, she was a good friend of Rainey’s and she was a Ravenclaw. She was smaller than me and had thick sandy hair that came to her shoulders. She stood at the other end of the matt looking terrified. I gave a quick smile. We did it by the book. We each met in the middle, raising our wands and walking back. To be nice, like I always do, I let her make the first move.

“Expelliarmus.” She said timidly, it was easy to deflect. I gave a little smile, urging her on. “Stupify!” She said with a bit more conviction. I still deflected it.

“Petrificus Totalus.” I shouted and too my surprise she deflected it. I let my smile grow into a grin. As I shouted Stupify so did she. Our wands meet in an entwinement of colours. Two streams came out of our wands, battling for supremacy. This shocked me, and her. I lost my concentration and I was blow backwards and I hit my back against the stone wall behind me. I touched my head as I got up. I looked to where Summer was but she too was blown back. I immediately got up to go and help her.

“What was that?” Summer asked dazed.

“Priori Incantatem.” Harry said looking amazed. The whole room looked at Harry, wanting him to explain. “It means you have two sister wands. When you each cast your spells they met in the middle.” He said like it was obvious.

“Dragon heart string?” We both said at the same time. So my wand had a sister, what a wonderful moment for it. I was less enthusiastic, since I had just been blown half way across the room.

The Weasley’s got the rest of the last week off as there dad had been attacked by a snake at the ministry. So for once I got the Hogwarts express back with Rainey and her friends. All they could talk about was boys, and how I and Summer should become sisters. I confess I fell asleep through most of it. When we arrived at Kings cross I said goodbye to Rainey and went to find Remus. I could not see him but I could see a familiar blue headed girl. I ran up to her.

“Tonks!” I screamed running up to her and hugging her.

“Hi!” She gasped from my hug.

“Where’s Remus?” I asked.

“It was a full moon last night, he is a bit tired. Lets get your trunk.” She said with a smile. We yanked my trunk and Midnight through the barrier and to a hired car. I was excited to spend Christmas for once with my family, and it would be my first Christmas with my father. When we got in it was quiet. I hauled my trunk upstairs and let Midnight free. She never did like being cooped up in a cage. I heard a pan drop from downstairs as Tonks attempted to make me a sandwich. I walked down the corridor and to Sirius’s room. I knocked on it and opened it slowly.

“Oh Electra, Hi! How are you?” Sirius screamed. He jumped at me coming in and was scrambling to hide something. I looked curiously to what he was hiding behind his back.

“Hiding my Christmas present?” I joked. He laughed nervously.

“Yeah something like that.” He said nervously. I gave a wicked smile.

“Okay, I will let you get back to it. Just wanted to say hi.” I said and left. I thought it best not to disturb Remus, even now he would shout at me for not waking him up when I had got home. I made my way to the kitchen where Tonk’s had made me a questionable ham and lettuce sandwich. I ate it because I was hungry.

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