the infamous hogwarts jaguar.

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All week we were planning. We had bewitched our booms, we were ready. As soon as we entered the pitch the grins were obvious on our faces. I had been instated seeker to the Hufflepuff team since Cedric was dead. I would probably be kicked of the team for this, but as long as Umbridge has got her comeuppance I will be happy. Madam Hootch blew her whistle and I pushed strongly off of the ground. The plan was simple, I would be sent off for some reason. The game would continue and that’s when Fred and George would cover the teachers stand in sludge bombs and sparkly dust. They would hopefully aim for Umbridge more than anyone else. Whilst she was occupied with them I would sneak into her office in my animagus form and totally wreck the place. Now all I needed to do was to be sent off. Five minuets in it began to rain, hard. This had set back our plan; the teachers were now under the safe protection of a water repellent spell. The sludge would not get through. I looked for the twins in the storm. When I had finally found them they had reassuring smiles on there faces. I knew they would find some way so I left it to them. Ten minuets had now passed and still no opportunity to be sent off. The rain had become less intense. I looked over the side of my broom and to the floor. It was about a six foot drop. I saw Harry zoom passed me. He was obviously onto the snitch. If he caught it the game would be over the plan would have failed. I bit my bottom lip; I could not believe I was thinking about this. I screwed up my nose and purposely let go of the broom. I hit the ground; it did not hurt as much as I thought. The whistle blew and the Hufflepuff’s flew over me.

“You okay? What happened?” Hannah shouted through the rain. Madam Hootch rushed over to me.

“Miss Black can you get back on the broom?” she asked hurriedly. I groaned.

“No, I think I am too tired. If I get back out there I could really hurt myself. Call out the reserve seeker.” I moaned as I stood up. Gail the reserve seeker flew onto the pitch and I hobbled off. I looked back up at the boys, they were laughing. I told madam Hootch I would be going to the hospital wing. I ran back to the castle. I was dripping wet. The corridors were empty as most people were at the game. As I approached the defence against the dark arts room I looked up and down the corridor. I opened the door and shut it behind me. I caught my breath back and ripped into my animagus of black jaguar. My fur was soaked, so I swished about and the walls were black and mucky. I pranced about the class room leaving muddy foot prints everywhere. I then walked on all four paws to her office. I nudged the door open with my nose. As soon as I walked in the cats on the walls, shrieked. They were crying and running out of the plates. Some where hissing but my growling made them run. I rolled on my back all around her office and jumped on her desk. I did a little tap dance on it, kicking papers to the floor. I jumped down and looked at my handy work. I was quite pleased. I got to the door and morphed back to me. My hair was frizzy, from all of my shaking and my clothes all tatty. I left the room only to be knocked over by the twins.

“Quick.” They breathed and pulled down the corridor. They too were soaking wet. They pulled me around the corner out of breath.

“Do it?” I asked. They nodded smugly. We were silent, catching our breath back when we heard a squeal. My hand snapped over my mouth to hold my laughter. It was Umbridge’s voice.

“We got her as the game ended, she left the stalls first.” Fred laughed.

“What was her face like?” I asked.

“Epic.” George breathed. We took a deep breath and strolled down the corridor. We were nearly home free when a not so girly Umbridge called.

“Stop right there!” She shouted. We turned to see a short stubby little pink lady racing down towards us. I say pink, she was covered in green sludge and purple sparkles. My mouth was open as wide as it would go. “My office now!” Her shrill voice echoed the halls and we marched into her office. We were all gathered in the defense against the dark arts room. The three of us refrained from laughing. The classroom and office was covered in mud and my animagus foot prints. It smelt like wet dog, I had scared the living day lights out of her cats on the wall and I had dribbled on her seat. She marched up and down the line, looking at each one of us intently.

“I demand to know who did this.” She snapped fiercely. Her lips were tightly pouted. Yet still all three of us keep straight faces and looked forward.

“It must be that infamous Hogwarts Jaguar.” George told her in a serious tone. Her eyes became wide and dilated. She stood in front of him, trying to be intimidating. It didn’t work because he was a clear two foot taller than her.

“Yeah, responsible for so much property damage this year, especially in my dorm.” I said slyly. With the same look she shuffled over to me. She was still smaller than me by a few inches. She opened her mouth to say something when Fred coughed into his hand.

“Electra shouldn’t have to pay for that!” He said in a deep voice.

“Yes who said that?” I asked, looking around sarcastically. A little laugh cracked from George. “Must be that jaguar; bless its cute adorable big paws that she trips over when she runs to fast.” I said in admiration.

“I know you were behind it. I can’t prove it…yet. But I will!” She shrieked. She chucked us out of her room. The fits of laughter could not be contained.

“You did us proud.” George laughed. We all high fived as we walked down the corridor triumphantly.

It turns out Hufflepuff lost the game, I wasn’t too surprised. The whole team gave me evils but I would get used to it. Just the look on Umbridge’s face was enough. I was due to meet the twins before dinner. I was on my way to the Gryffindor tower when a faint sniffling caught my attention. I looked around the corner to see Fred and George comforting a first year out side Umbridge’s office. I nearly ran over to them. I knelt down in front of them. I looked at the little boy’s hand it said, ‘I should try harder.’ I was speechless, how could she do this to a helpless first year.

“It okay.” Said George comfortingly. He hand his hand wrapped around him.

“You get used to it.” Fred said with a glum face. I looked at the boy’s robes they were Hufflepuff robes. That was it, no one hurts a first year, especially a Hufflepuff.

“Don’t worry she will get what is coming to her.” I said to the boy angrily. I stood up. George stayed sitting down with the boy. Fred stood next to me.

“What are you going to do? I have seen you this mad once before and it was not pretty.” He asked cautiously.

“Get me every single one of your stink bombs. Right now.” I replied through my teeth.

“Electra, think.” Fred said sternly. His hand was wrapped around my arm.

“Is everything ok?” a girly voice said behind me. So help me god I could have given her a punch. But Fred’s grip on my arm was tight. I took a deep breath and spun around to see that idiotic face.

“No, you can not do this to first years.” I said calmly.

“People need to be punished. And this boy deserved to be punished.” She replied looking creepily at the little boy.

“No, you look at me. You will not get away with this. And if you touch another first year it will be the last thing you ever do.” I said without thinking. Her eyes pinned me.

“Are you threatening me, the ministry?” she asked stepping closely to me.

“What if I am?” I breathed. Fred had now let go of my arm. George had told the boy to run and the boys stood behind me ready to hold me back.

“What the devil is going on here?” A strained voice called.

“It’s okay Severus.” She snapped. I took a deep threatening breath and she backed away.

“Electra.” He said, expecting me to go with him. I stood rooted to the ground. I stared into the devils eyes. “Electra!” He shouted. “My office now. And you two, get to the feast.” He commanded. I spun around and followed Snape to his office. I could not believe I would rather go with Snape than anyone else. 

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