I hate Boggarts.

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“What do you think you were doing?” Remus said looking down at me. I have never seen him this mad before.

“What he had it coming! You and the marauder’s did it!” I protested. He put his hands on his face.

“But this is different, he is your teacher! What did I tell you on the train!” He said with his hands on his hips.

“What I didn’t get expelled, did I?” I stated. Remus shook his head.

“Well instead of being expelled I have managed to make professor Snape give you three detentions this week.” He was furious, his face was red.

“Oh come on Remus!” I was so annoyed. I never got that amount of punishment before. Remus raised a finger to me.

“And it is Professor Lupin in Hogwarts. I am so mad at you right now. Go and apologise to Snape and I will see you later.” He turned around and stormed off back to class. I could not believe I have to apologise to him and in front of the Slytherin’s as well. I heard some sniggering in the corner.

“Oh come on. It’s not funny!” I exclaimed as the twins burst out laughing. “How would you like it if your mum or dad taught here?” I asked, hands on hips. I'm pretty sure they weren’t listening.

“I hope it hasn’t put you off pranking any more.” George managed to say through all the giggles. 

“Oh I have only just started.” I replied. 

The rest of potions was a bore. I spent most of the lesson sitting at the back copying from a textbook, though it was funny to see Snape trying to cover up his hair. When the end of the lesson came I couldn’t get out of there fast enough. Word had spread of my prank and people were congratulating me in the corridors and stairs. I walked into Defence against the dark arts to find Remus glaring at me. I sat down and waited for him to start.

“Right now class, we are going to learn about Boggarts. Can anyone tell me what a Boggart is?” Lupin said. Straight away a girl from Gryffindors hand went straight up. 

“Yes Hermione?” He asked her.

“A Boggart is a creature that will transform into something the person fears.” She spoke quickly and to the point.

“Excellent ten points to Gryffindor, right all of you put down your wands. And repeat after me. Ridicules.” He spoke clearly and soon the room followed. He nodded and encouraged us to say it again. “Right grab your wands and get in a line.” I stayed seated. Remus grabbed me by the hand and threw me in-between two Gryffindors.

“Right go right here between Ron and Harry.” He said, he still was angry with me. Another Gryffindor Neville was called to go first. I found it funny that he was scared of Snape. The queue moved forward, everyone eagerly anticipating there go, except for me. Ron, the Weasley twins little brother went before me. A huge spider appeared, it even scared me. He left it trying to stay up on roller blades. I hated this; I stood there with my wand ready. I could see Remus watching me carefully. The spider twitched and turned and finally settled on a figure. A woman’s figure stood before me. Some of the room gasped as Bellatrix Lestrange stood in front of me. I hesitated and stood still. Bellatrix was my cousin twice removed. She always scared me. Not because she is vicious or anything, I'm scared I will turn into her. The woman in front of me started to walk towards me.

“Look at the icle little baby.” The Boggart said. Remus looked ready to jump in at any moment.

“Ridicules!” I screamed and pointed my wand at her. Instantly the Boggart whizzed into a cute little pink round Jigglypuff, my favourite Pokémon character when I was little. I smiled at it and walked away. Some people stared at me some laughed, I didn’t really care. When I reached the end of the queue the room went into silence I turned around to see Harry’s Boggart had turned into a Dementor. Immediately Remus dove in front and the Boggarts turned into a full moon. My heart sunk at this. Remus ended the lesson early and kept Potter behind. I wanted to stay and help but he shoved me out. Outside were Fred and George.

“Do you never have any classes to go to?” I asked.   

“Sometimes.” George said.

“If we like them.” Fred said winking. I rolled my eyes and started walking, they followed me.

“Where you going?” George asked.

“I thought I might try out for the Hufflepuff Quidditch team.” I said. The twins began to laugh. “What? I can ride a broom Remus… I mean Lupin taught me.” I was confused.

“No its not that it’s just that Hufflepuff are pretty bad.” George said wiping a tear from his eye.

“We will walk you down there, Gryffindor are doing there tryouts as well, we're the beaters.” Fred said proudly. We approached the field and they said goodbye and ran off to the other side of the pitch. A familiar face waved at me. 

“Hi Cedric.” I groaned.

“Here to try out for Quidditch hey?” he asked. “I am the seeker and Captain.”  I rolled my eyes; it had to be find boy. I nodded and he looked so happy.

“How fast are you? We need a good chaser.” He said his eyes wide.

“I am okay.” I lied. I was so fast not even wizard God could follow. He handed me a broom and gestured for me to demonstrate. I threw my legs over the broom and steadied my hands. I gave a strong powerful kick and launched into the air. As I rose I could see Cedric studying me. I had to get this; it was the only thing to take my mind of things. I noticed the twins flying on the other side. I whistled them over.

“Yeah?” George asked.    

“See if you can catch me. I am trying to be a chaser.” I asked battering my eyelids. By now the rest of the Hufflepuff team had turned up. They gave me a nod and I was off. I zoomed in and out of the stands. The wind was blowing hard in my face. I looked behind me to see the twins not far behind. I stopped and swung round on my broom. The twins flew straight past. I flew towards the floor and then went straight up. I could hear them following closely. I was now in the clouds. I was getting colder and colder and I could see my breath. I closed my eyes and let my broom fall. I fell straight past the twins and kept on falling, until I was level with the goals. The twins looked out of breath. I winked at them and told them to go back to practise. I drifted to the floor where the Hufflepuff’s were applauding me.

“Not many people can out run the Weasley’s.” Cedric said approvingly. He patted me on the back. “Welcome to the team.”  

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