Moving on

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I could not sleep that night. I lay in my bed, in the black family house. I kept tossing and turning. The world seemed a darker place without him. Having enough I got up and threw on my silk black dressing robe. It was the middle of the night, I tried to make as less noise was possible. I reached the end of the corridor and stopped outside Sirius’s bedroom. I gently pushed the door open trying to keep it from squeaking. He had the master bedroom. It was gigantic. In the middle a large black bed was made and all of the furniture was black and old. It smelt like wet dog, with a bit of must. It reminded me of him. I proceeded into his room. I sat down on his bed, sinking into it softly. I put my head down on his pillow, it was comforting. I gently closed my eyes. The image of him falling into the veil flashed before me. I violently sat up knocking the pillow to the wooden floor. I bent down to pick it up when something caught my eye. A small wooden box was tucked beneath his bed. I curiously fetched it out. It was made from dark oak and had two initials engraved on the lid. In a fancy handwriting the letters S and L were inscribed. I traced my fingers along the lettering and opened the box. Inside it was filled with letters and little objects. Instantly I could smell a strong perfume from it. I picked up the first letter, it was torn and old. I gently unfolded it and a nice fancy writing was written. It was addressed to Sirius and from a lady called Lucy. I could not help but read it.

Dearest Sirius,

I am sorry I have not written. My family had forbidden me to contact you; you know how my muggle parents are. I just miss you so much. I do hope Moony, Prongs and Wormtail are keeping you amused. I just keep thinking back to our last night at Hogwarts together. It was the best night of my life. I need to be with you. I need to get away from my parents. I have thought about your proposal, and I want you to come and get me. I love you Sirius Padfoot Black.

All my deepest love,

Lucy, xxxx         

I read through a few more before I realised Lucy was my mother. In the middle of the pile of letters was a picture. It was of my dad hugging and laughing with her. She was pregnant with me. They looked so happy. She was beautiful, I had her eyes. There was one last letter at the bottom, tied with black lace. I undid it and read it inside. This must have been the first note they ever sent to each other, probably in class.

Moony, Padfoot, Wormtail and Prongs would like to ask you a question, simply tick your answer. Who would you rather date?

Moony (not interested)

Prongs (taken)

Wormtail (really?)

Padfoot (deeply in love with you.)

I could not help but laugh at there childishness.

“I remember that.” Remus’s soft voice said from behind me. I shoved all of the letters back and shut the box. “Its okay, I think it belongs to you now.” Remus said sitting down.

“I thought you did not know my mum very well?” I asked.

“I didn’t. That was the first and last time I had spoken to her. They only got together on the last night of Hogwarts. After that I stayed distant from them, for obvious reasons.” He said like he was remembering the good old days. “He did love you.” He said randomly. I looked at him.

“I know.” I whispered. I was jealous when he paid more attention to Harry but I got over it. I was lucky to have two people who I looked up to as a father, no one could replace Remus.

“Now I think it is time for you to go to bed. We will talk more in the morning.” Remus said standing up and pulling me to my feet. I hugged him, snuggling my head into his chest. He wrapped his arms around me. I did not want to let go, but I knew in my heart Remus would never leave me.

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