He Saved Me

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No aim, no destination.


There is nothing.
No color.
No sound.


It's so calm,
So peaceful.
I hate it.


A world devoid of color.
Bland, plain, dry.


Walking here,
In this colorless void,
I'm so close to losing myself.


I hate it.
I'm scared.
This is wrong.


Fix it.
Help me.
Save me.


I'm drifting.
I'm not here.
I don't know anything.




So faint, barely there.
A hint of music, glimpsed through the trees.

Quiet though he was,
He came to me,
And I saw him.

He was color.
He was music.
He was beautiful.

He was a wordless song,
A melody played on the wind,
A dream of symphonies.

He found me,
Lost, drifting, alone,
And he saved me.

His melody wrapped around me,
Guiding me,
Defending me and keeping me safe.

For as long as we were together,
He was mine,
And I was his.

I just want to walk like this forever.

Forever doesn't exist.

He brought me back to my home,
Carried me there on wings of music,
And left.

He was my color.
He saved me.
He's gone.

My world is no longer silent, but the colors aren't here.

I'm not allowed into the woods anymore.
After my dark colors exploded and I ran off,
I was gone too long.

Still, every day I stand at the edge of the trees,
Hoping to hear his music just one more time,
Hoping to see color, if only a glimpse.

Because when he left, he took my world with him.
I see only monochrome now,
And I know that no matter what,

I want my colors back.
I want my music back.
I want -

My music?
Of course.

Even though he's not here,
I still belong to him.
And he still belongs to me.

I'll never forget his colors.
His beautiful melodies.
He saved me.

I'll see him again someday.
I'm sure of it.
And when I do, I'll never let him go again.

Because no matter what,
I will do anything to have my colors back.
My colors, and his music.

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