You Think You Know

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You think you know me.

You see me always wearing a sweater, and think I must get cold easily.  I don't blame you, after all, it is a logical thought.  You don't know that this sweater is for so much more than cold.
You see me tired in class, and fabricate excuses in your mind -  I stayed up late studying, reading, anything that won't shatter the image of the student you think I am.  But no, I just have insomnia.
You see me sitting alone at lunch, and don't think it out of the ordinary because I don't look like I mind.  My friends are probably sitting somewhere else today, they'll be back tomorrow.  Have you considered the possibility that I might not have any?

You see that I'm not good at gym class.  You look down on me, assume I'm being lazy, that I just don't feel like putting in the effort.  That I'm somehow below the rest of you.  You don't know that outside of school, I push myself to the limit in soccer so my team can be proud of me, often collapsing at the end of practice as a result.

You see my arms, my wrists, and start assuming things.  Some of it is true, some of it isn't.  You have no way of knowing, and yet you say things like they're fact.  Like they're common knowledge.  Things that aren't true.
Why doesn't anybody ask me?  It's not hard, I swear!  I honestly don't mind explaining, if anyone would bother to ask!

I am not a worthless person!  I have talents, uses, skills, ones that you probably wouldn't expect!  Did you know that I've won three archery tournaments?  Or that I achieved first place in a public speaking competition?  Have you seen my art, or heard me sing?  I have talents, just like you do.  I'm not useless.  How would you like to hear someone whisper about you in the halls?  I'm a person, too!  I have feelings, emotions.  Why don't you see that? 

But I know you never will, because you think you know me.  You think you know everything there is to know about me, so you'll never bother trying to look beneath the surface.  You see what you want.

You don't know me.



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