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I don't exactly understand
And don't exactly want to
Why people make it seem so grand
When that's obviously untrue

Teens enjoy their every chance
To parade around a store
Trying on fifty pairs of pants
As if they didn't find it a bore

Oohing and ahhing at makeup and jewels
Wide eyes captured fast
They look like giggling hypnotized fools
When I happen to grumble past

Okay, so maybe I'm no fun
When I'm dragged into a mall
But the very idea of it begs me to run
To sprint away from it all

I honestly just don't get your mood
How you find it all so appealing
I'm sorry for probably sounding rude
But I'd rather talk to my ceiling

You can have your flocks or gaggles or groups
And obsess over nails you'll be painting
But from me, you won't hear a single "Oops"
When you realize the time you've been wasting

You could have been doing much better things
Than constantly leave your funds dropping
Like reading, or writing, or useful things
Anything's better than shopping.


Comment a word guys, I'll write about it :)


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