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It's not really fair of me
To tell you that's not the answer
When it's the first thing I turn to
So yeah, I'm a hypocrite
But really
It's because I care about you
More than I care about me.

It's okay if I feel pain
That's fine
But not you
You do not deserve it
And maybe I don't either
But that's one of the hardest things to believe
So I understand why these words mean nothing to you.

So, before I sleep tonight, I'll be a hypocrite one more time.
It's okay to feel lost.
It's okay to be scared and sad and tired and hurting and numb and just done with everything.
But it is not okay to think you're alone.
Do not even for a second think that people don't care.
Because we do.
You do not deserve that pain.
You never have.  You never will.
You are stronger than your demons.
Prove it.


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