My Quiet Little Space

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     It was crazy, loud, and overwhelming.  So many things were happening at once, I didn't know where to look, what to listen to, where to go, or what to do.  I was so confused.  I couldn't understand anything that was going on.  There was just too much.  I couldn't take it all in at once.  My head hurt, and I felt so overwhelmed.  I just couldn't do it.
     I walked over to a wall and sat down, bringing my knees up to my forehead and wrapping my arms around them.  I didn't even bother leaving the room.  I didn't care.  It was calm in that little space.  And quiet, despite the din surrounding me.  Nothing was happening, no one was clamoring for my attention, no one was rushing around and being loud.  In my quiet little space, it was calm and dark.  I never wanted to leave.
     I could hear the voices around me, "Is she okay?" "What's she doing?" "Why is she on the floor?", but I didn't care, because in my quiet little space, nothing bothered me.  Nothing mattered.  I was okay.  I heard someone asking me to get up.  I wanted them to leave me alone, I didn't want to come out.  It was safe in my quiet little space, and warm, and everything was okay.  That would all change as soon as I came out, so I was in no hurry. 
     They left me alone, eventually.  That was good.  I was tired.  I started to fall asleep there, and I didn't really mind.  I was safe and protected, and nothing could get to me.  It was a comforting way to be alone.  Drifting in and out of consciousness, I had flitting dreams of calm, and a soft darkness that would keep me forever, safe from everything.  In the times in between the dreaming, I longed to have the darkness back.  The darkness was my friend.  So I stayed there and slept, as long as I was allowed.  I knew I would have to come back eventually, but for right then, just for that time, I would dream, and pretend everything was all right.
     And it was.  Everything was all right, because I was safe, and warm, and protected, in my quiet little space.



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