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I used to be so lively,
Filled with energy and life
My days were full of smiles,
I barely knew of strife.

I wish I could've stayed that way,
At nine, I made a vow
That I would stay that age forever
If only I knew how.

I wish I could've done it,
Kept my share of childish glee
But I'm happy that my nine year old self
Knew nothing of the current me.

Looking at innocent faces of children
I see everything I've lost
They have no darkness in them
I hope they never learn the cost.

Such lively fire burning
In each and every one
I hope they all will make the most
Of what will soon be gone.

It doesn't matter what I do,
How well I fool them all
I've lost the burning light I had
I've built my strongest wall.

It keeps out all intruders,
No one is welcomed in
It traps me inside, as well
Away from what I'd once been.

I know beyond my faithful wall
My fire is burning still
Forever locked away from me,
From the shell it yearns to fill.

Quite honestly, I don't know why
I never let it in
But maybe this is safer
Then letting happiness win.

Maybe if I stay like this,
I can protect myself
From people who could get to me
With words like, "Kill yourself".

My wall will keep me safe and strong
For whatever comes my way
But maybe I'll embrace my flame
In the far future, someday.


Word requested by IcyIgnorance.

Hope you liked it. :)

Comment a word guys, I'll write about it.


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