Inside My Head, Behind My Eyes

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Inside my head, behind my eyes
Where no one else will ever see
Sheltered behind my happy guise
Kept under lock and key

Inside my head, behind my eyes
I hear the words from mouths unseen
Hurled with laughter, mocking cries
It's all too clear what they mean

Inside my head, behind my eyes
Not as innocent as I thought them to be
Secret temptings, whispered lies
Steadily drowning me

Inside my head, behind my eyes
Where no one else will ever go
Where normal people fantasize
My dreams will never show

Inside my head, behind my eyes
The reasons for my boundless pain
The source of all my anguish lies
With undisputed reign

Inside my head, behind my eyes
My thoughts a dangerous, darkened sea
Eventuality, everybody dies
I just went a bit early.


Comment a word guys, I'll write about it.


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