Catch Me

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When I'm hyperventilating in a corner,
Will you catch my breath and bring it back to me?
When I'm crying from everything there is to cry from,
Will you catch my tears before they abandon me like everything else?
When my world collapses in on itself,
Will you catch me before I collapse along with it?
When life's had enough of me and throws me away,
Will you catch me before my body lies broken on the ground?
When I'm falling from the artificial cloud of safety I scavenged to keep myself above water,
Will you catch me before I drown?
When I'm reaching for the knife again,
Will you catch my hand before I pick it up?
When my blood runs away from my veins and blackness comes to consume me,
Will you catch me before I disappear into oblivion?
When I'm standing on a chair with a rope around my neck,
Will you catch me before I kick it away?

There aren't many people I can trust in this life, but
I trust that you will catch me.

Please catch me.


Comment words, I'll write about them.


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