Sorry I've Been Gone

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Sorry that I've not been here

Sorry I've been gone

I'll tell you, if you'll lend an ear

Some of what's been going on

Mentally, I've been sort of stable

For periods here and there

To soundly sleep, I am still not able

Though at this point I don't care

My mother is sick and can't be cured

I've found my "One True Love"

And many a Latin class I have endured

To give my education a shove

I've been sort of busy, but that's no excuse

To leave everyone here behind

I guess I've just felt that there isn't much use

In trying to write down my mind

Or maybe I'm lazy, or just not mature

Enough to keep motivation

Even though it's better, I'm decently sure

To let out my frustration

So I'm sorry that I haven't been here,

I'm sorry I stayed away

I know that my writing isn't top tier

But I'm back, and I hope to stay.

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