Damaged Soul

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     Every soul is a butterfly.  No two souls look the same, but they are all beautiful.  The purest of all are the ones who have felt the most pain, yet rather than taking it out on those around them, do all they can to make sure no one ever has to feel the same pain they did.  These butterflies are the glass ones, the crystal ones, the diamond ones.  The easiest to break, the easiest to damage.  But the most beautiful.  The purest.  When one of these is close to breaking, it starts to crack, thin spiderwebs of death spreading across it like darkness.  Sometimes it can be reversed.  It recovers, and everything turns out all right.  But sometimes it can't.  Sometimes the darkness is just too much, and it's more cracks than glass, or crystal, or diamond.  Sometimes it's too late, and it crumbles into dust.  Another butterfly gone.  Another life lost. 

     Alice was one such soul.  So much pain, so much despair contained in one person.  But she didn't show it.  No, on the contrary.  She was a kinder and gentler girl then anyone you or I will ever meet.  Her soul was of purest diamond.  It's beauty was marred, however, by the spiderwebs of darkness so often present in those who don't deserve it.  They spread from the inside, leaving the outside untouched.  No one knew, but the darkness was slowly consuming her, although she did nothing to show it.  She was the only one who knew that she wouldn't be able to survive much longer.  Soon, the darkness would completely devour her soul, and shatter it into a million precious shards.  Then, she would be gone.  Whether by knife, or gun, or rope, it made no difference.  A soul is only a soul, and few are strong enough to withstand such darkness as Alice's harbored.

     Remember her.  Remember how easy it is to not notice when someone is so close to never coming back.  We'll all meet someone like that, someday.  Maybe more than one.  Please, I beg of you, help them.  I know it's impossible to save everyone.  But we can try.  When you meet that person, do all you can to save them.  There's always a chance that the darkness hasn't consumed them completely, that they can still come back.  You won't know until you try.  Please, do all you can to save their damaged soul.


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