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It's okay
That you make me sad sometimes.

I'm glad you don't
Only make me happy.

I think it'd be too 2 dimensional,
To only have
One emotion come from our relationship.

It'd be like
A washed-out photo,
Or a monochrome painting.

Just one color,
Highlights of one color,
Shades of one color,
No variation,
No interest,
Not much appeal.
Attractive to some people,
But not to me.

It feels 2 dimensional.

If there's no variation
In emotions,
No differentiation,
No opposites to balance each other out,
No negatives to define their positive counterparts,
Then what is it,

It's monochrome.
It's 2D.

We are not 2D beings.
We have mass,
We experience time,
We have emotions.
Experiencing a continuous output of only a single emotion
From the input of every situation
Every variation
Every circumstance
Every action,
It's like backwards insanity.
Doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results -
But backwards,
Doing different things and always ending up with the same result.

Still sounds pretty insane to me.

If all you ever made me was happy,
No matter what,
And you never made me worry,
Or cry,
It'd be like backwards insanity,
And if you think about it in just the wrong way,
That's really just insanity squared,
Isn't it?
And therefore even more insanity than when we began.

I don't want a 2D relationship.
I want feelings.
I want colors.

I don't want to be monochrome.


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