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The first two days, she was sick.  She didn't eat anything because she couldn't keep it down.

The third day, she was better, but pretended she wasn't.  She didn't eat anything.

The fourth day, she couldn't pretend anymore.  She told her parents she wasn't hungry, and they said that made sense, since her stomach shrunk.  She ate half a banana.

The fifth day, she ate toast for breakfast and told her parents she couldn't eat anymore.

The sixth day, she said she had already had breakfast, she forced down an apple for lunch, and said she wasn't hungry enough for dinner.

The seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, and eleventh days, she had school.  Her parents weren't awake when she was getting ready, so she skipped breakfast.  She told her friends she ate a lot in the morning, and that's why she wasn't having lunch.  At dinner, she ate as little as she could, saying she had snacks at school.

The twelfth and thirteenth day, the weekend, she ate toast for breakfast, an apple for lunch, and a normal sized dinner, which she threw up soon after - secretly, of course.

This cycle continued.  Nobody guessed what was going on.

When she got dizzy in the hall, she said she was just tired.

When she passed out in gym, she said she was just dehydrated.

If someone got suspicious and asked why she wasn't eating, she told them
She just wasn't


Hey guys!
So, I haven't eaten in two daysBefore you freak out, I was sickI'm not anymore, but I've already skipped both breakfast and lunch, and I'll probably end up skipping dinnerI know I should eat, but I guess I really just don't want to?
What do I do?


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