Chapter 3

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I took the kids our earlier and we all had fun. Jayda and Jayden are asleep while me and Nathan played the game. "What's been up with you pops?", Nathan asked not taking his eyes off the game.

"Lookin' for yall. You?"


"So who Emily talkin' to?"

"Nobody, now."

"Who she used to talk to?"

"This chick I don't think she really like girls though. She had a boyfriend before that but after a few months they started fist fighting, I guess he thought moms was a punk. He left cause she tried to kill him twice, she got real close too. She poisoned his food and chased him around with a big a- a big knife when they were gone. She didn't know I was still there. He ran out that door and never came back. She don't know I know that though so don't say nothin'. Then she got a girl but she cheated on her so moms left her. Ion know why yall think that's cool, it's not. Cheatin' on her and hurting her. Yall didn't deserve her. Wanna know somethin'?". True


"I used to hate you. When I say hate I mean hate."


"She used to cry every night for months, cause of you.". He stopped playing the game so I looked at him. He just looked at the TV screen then he put the controller next to him. "Why you had to do my momma like that?!", he asked looking at me. He balled his fists up and stood up. Here we go. I stood up "I wanna leave.".

"Call her.". He just looked at me before walking away. I heard the front door slam. I ran my hands down my face and turned the game off.


My phone started ringing while was driving I put it on speaker, it's Nathan.

Nathan:Can you come get me?
Me:I'm on my way, what's wrong?
Nathan:Why he have to do you like that? Why?! You didn't do anything wrong but they all hurt you. Why?!
Me:Baby calm down, I'm on my way. Sit outside until I come. Give me like 5 minutes, okay?
Me:Stay on the phone.


After a few minutes I went to check on him. When I did Emily pulled up. Now she fenna talk shit. I don't have time for this shit but imma deal with it. He hugged her tight, they started talking I'm not sure what about. Now Asia pulling up. Emily already on sweats, Nikes and got her hair up. I put on my shoes and went out there. Nathan walked past me mad as hell. Emily paid no attention to Asia but Asia mugged her. When she made it to me she kissed me and grabbed my dick. "Yo'!", I said moving away from her.

"Mine.". When she saw that Emily was too busy texting to see her she smacked her lips and rolled her eyes before walking in.

"Bye daddy.", Jayda said hugging me

"See you later baby."

"Bye dad.", Jayden said.

"See you later little man. See you later Nathan."

"No the fuck you won't.", he said about to slam the door.

"Boy watch yo' damn mouth and you better not slam my fuckin' door.". He softly closed the door. It took everything in me not to laugh.


"Like what am I supposed to think Terrence?", Asia asked crying.

"Baby I want you, you don't gotta worry about her."

"Terrence do you love me?". I didn't say anything.

"Ion know about love but-", she started throwing stuff at me. She charged me and started hitting me. Why do I always choose the crazy ones? Emily tried to kill me, René set Emily up, Amber took my damn kids and Asia is trying to fight me.

"Swing. I fight niggas to, these hands go both ways."

"Girl ain't nobody tryna fight you.". I pinned her against the wall. When I did she kissed me, I kissed her back. It's about to go down.

The Thick Girl:New Beginnings Book 3Where stories live. Discover now