Chapter 35

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It's been a month and everything's all good, it's Jayden's birthday. He wanted to rent a big ass pool. I got Ricky to let us use his by got I mean paid. "Slow down before you bust yo' shit!", I said to Jayden. Once he fell, I started laughing. It was funny. We went to see if he was okay.

"You alright?", I asked grabbing his hand and pulling him up.


"Slow down.", Emily said getting something out of his hair.

"Yes ma'am.", he said grinning. She hate when people call her ma'am, it makes her feel old. He ran away I don't know why, she couldn't chase him if she wanted to. She smacked her lips and I laughed.


Terrence is gonna get drunk at his son's birthday party, they're not around the kids but still. I already know he's not about to go but I got to try to stop him. Ricky had to last time. "Terrence!", I yelled getting his attention. He's over there with Ricky and 2 other dudes in the front away from all the kids. He walked to me. "I think you had enough to drink.".

"Okay.", he said before chugging what ever is in his cup. He coughed a little bit.

"B-, wait what?"

"I said okay, I'm done."

"Really?", I asked shocked.

"Yeah, I'm not no a alcoholic.", he said throwing his cup away.

"I know that but I didn't think you'd actually listen. I thought I would have to have somebody else do it."

"That was one time. If my woman say I had enough, I had enough.". I smiled and he tried to kiss me.

"No nigga.", I said pushing his face. "Come help me. My feet hurt.", I said grabbing his hand and walking in the house.

"I'm in the house!", Terrence said.

"Ight!", Ricky said.


"I guess that Jayden's little girlfriend.", I said to Terrence. Jayden and this girl been walking around together for a long time, talking and laughing. I realized that he's into girls with a little meat on their bones. It ain't nothing wrong with that.

"He said they're just friends.", Terrence said.

"We fucked when we were friends.", I said making him laugh.

"We did more than that.". I tried not to but I smiled. "Right or wrong?". I just looked at him smiling. "Right.", he said before quickly kissing me. "Here they come.".

"Momma, dad? This is my best friend Rita.".

"Hi.", me and Terrence said together smiling.

"Hi.", she said smiling and standing behind Jayden.

"She's shy, we're gonna go dry off.". He grabbed her hand and they walked away talking. We looked at each other. He's only 11.

"Terrence if our son's be hoes imma fuck you up.", I said looking at him. He started laughing. "I'm so serious.".

"Chill out."

"Hehehe. I'm serious Terrence. I hope he's not another you."

"I hope our daughter not another slut.". We just looked at each other then we looked at the kids.

"I hope they're not another us.", we said at the same time. We looked at each other and laughed. "I'm sorry for calling you a hoe.", I said looking at him.

"It's alright, I'm sorry for callin' you a slut.", he said looking at me

"It's okay. Go get in the pool."

"Ian bring nothin' to change into."

"Oh.". Imma have Ricky and them put him in.


While we were talking they quickly picked him up and and threw him in the deep end. He fenna be pissed, he had his phone in his pocket. Oh it's by mine, he'll be alright. We started laughing. Can he even swim. "Can he swim!?", I yelled to Ricky. Before he could reply Terrence swum up. We laughed and he did too he swum to the wall and they helped him out. Terrence grabbed Ricky's phone and pushed him in. Ricky pulled him back in so he threw his phones to one of the dudes, they caught it. They got out shaking they head and smiling. Everybody was laughing. Ricky and them looked at me. Terrence looked at me and walked to me. He stood in front of me dripping wet. I gave him Jayden's towel.

"You gone do me like that bae.", he asked drying his face off.

"I had to.". He took his shit off and moms started looking at him and bitting their lips. Hell no. "Take yo' ass in the house.". I said getting up and pushing him in the house. He need to stop going to the gym.


"Take yo ass in the house.", Emily said pushing me into the house.

"What I do?", I asked confused

"These bitches lookin' at what's mine. Put that shirt back on."

"I'm wet."

"That's what she said.", a boy said walking past. Emily almost smacked him upside the head but I stopped her cause that's not Jayden.

"That's not Jayden.", I said holding her hand.

"He need his ass whooped.", she said looking at the little boy.

"Imma go home and change.".

"Okay.", I turned around and walked away. "Hurry that ass up boy.", she said smacking my butt.

"Man chill that shit out!". She started laughing.

"Hahaha.", I said as I left the room. I heard her laugh again. This girl.

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