Chapter 10

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"Damn.", Jade said looking me. She started at my feet and slowly went up to my head.

"How do I look?"

"Sexy as fuck. I can't with til you get back.", she said biting her lip.

"If I come back.", I said joking around. Before she could respond Jayda came in.

"Momma you look so beautiful."

"Thank you baby.". The doorbell rung.

"He's here.", Jayda said. "I'll let him in.", she said running out.

"Jade make sure that's him.". She shook her head and left the room. Is black too much or not enough? Or well, it's just dinner.


"Daddy!". I got down and hugged Jayda.

"Hey baby girl.". A girl was right behind her. They moved over and let me in.

"So you're Terrence?"

"Yeah? You are?"

"Jade.", she said holding her hand out. I shook it. "A friend of Emily. She wasn't lying.". I looked at her confused.

"Woah.", I said as Emily walked down the stairs. She looks amazing. "You look amazing.".

"Thank you.", she said smiling. That dress, that dress, that dress. Damn I'm stupid as fuck. "I'll be back later you guys.", she said hugging them.

"You don't have to come back.", Jayda said smiling. Me and Emily just looked at her. She skipped away smiling. Emily shook her head.

"I'll be back Jade."

"Okay, have fun, not too much fun."

"Will do.", she said before we walked to the door.

"This is mine by the way.", Jade said grabbing Emily's ass.

"Jade.", Emily said moving her hand.

"I'm just lettin' him know that I'm bae."

"Yall got somethin' goin' on?"

"No.", Emily said.

"Yes.", Jade said.

"You ate me out once, we don't got nothin' goin' on Jade.". She smacked her lips.

"You know you like this tongue.", Jade said smiling and walking up on Emily.

"Bitch move.", she said softly pushing her.

"Tell me you didn't like it.". Emily smacked her lips and rolled her eyes.

"Come on Terrence.". Jade got in front of the door.

"Tell me you didn't like it.". Emily just looked at her. "I'm not moving until you tell me, in front of him.". Why it gotta be in front of me? I do wanna know though. I looked at her.

"Did you?", I asked looking at her. She smacked her lips and looked at both of us.

"Yes I did, a lot.". Jade smiled and bit her lip.

"Tell me it wasn't the best.". I gotta hear this.

"It wasn't the best.". Her smile dropped.

"Then who's was?". Mine the fuck.

"His.", she said pointing to me. "I told you now move.". Jade smacked her lips and moved.

"We'll see about that tonight."

"Yes we will.", Emily said. Jade smiled. "Sike.".

"You wrong for that one.", Jade said as we walked out the door.


I'm really enjoying myself so far. I forgot how funny he was. "Are you having a good time?".

"Yes I am actually."

"Maybe we should do this again.", he said smiling.

"One time thing."

"Maybe I can change your mind before the night's over."

"Maybe.", I said smiling. "Maybe not.".


I might get my baby back.

The Thick Girl:New Beginnings Book 3Where stories live. Discover now