Chapter 5

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Me and Terrence are taking the kids to the zoo, the older kids went to laser tag. I really don't want to be around him but he is the father of my kids so I gotta put our problems aside. I'm coming to his house and we're taking his car there. "Yall ready?".

"Yes.", they said together.


He opened and closed the door for me and Asia got mad. They started arguing ain't nobody got time for that, I'm on my phone and they're asleep. "Man shut the fuck up and take yo' ass in the house makin' a big ass scene for nothin'. If I wanna open and close the door for her imma open and close the door for her! Bye Asia."

"I'm not done talkin' to you Terrence."

"I'm done talkin' to you.", he said opening his door.

"That's why yo' dick little.". That's a big ass lie. He looked in the back seat then back at her.

"That's a big ass lie. She know his dick big.", I said to myself. He looked at me and smiled my eyes got big. I tried not no but I smiled. I quickly turned my head. I thought I said that to myself, lowly.

"My dick little?"


"Swear to God?". She didn't say anything.

"Fuck you."

"That's what I thought.", he said getting in and closing the door. I felt him looking at me. We started laughing.

"You wasn't supposed to hear that.", I said as he started up the car.

"I know."


Me and Terrence are doing good so far. We're putting our problems aside for them. They are worn out shit I am too.


When we made it to the house we took the kids to their rooms. "Was it bad as you thought it would be?", he asked as I walked him to the door.

"No it wasn't, I was wrong.", I said smiling making him smile. "Nigga don't think this mean we cool cause we not. I communicate with you cause we have children.". He shook his head.

"We'll work on it."

"No the fuck we won't."

"Why not? I miss you. I don't even know what I did this time. I didn't wanna get married but I wanted to be with you."

"I left before you could hurt me Terrence."

"How was it gonna hurt you Emily?"

"You were gonna cheat on me Terrence."

"No I wasn't."

"Then why would you want to call off the marriage if you're in love with me? Cause you planed on fucking another bitch or leaving. Terrence I'm not stupid. I know you. I know how you do. I know your next move. You're gonna cheat on that bitch! I'm not even mad at you though, I'm mad at April. She fucked you up Terrence. You can't see when somebody actually love yo' ass and care about yo' ass. It's because of her. You couldn't see that I'm not her! I am not APRIL I am Emily. I'm a girl with ass big ass heart. After 15 plus years of knowing me you still can't see that I'm not her! Terrence I just, I couldn't deal with it anymore. We got kids I gotta keep it together for them and I can't do that if I'm being treated wrong.", I said with tears running down my face. He couldn't even say anything. April is a girl that hurt Terrence, bad. They knew eachother since k5. She put his business out, said some out of line shit to him and cheated on him with 4 different niggas. So yes I'm mad at that bitch. I know Terrence is a good person and I know he would've been a good boyfriend if she didn't hurt him. I still feel some type of way towards him though. He slowly shook his head.

"You're right.", he said after clearing his throat and shaking his head. "You're right.".

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