Chapter 29

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Emily is back, for good. I can't lose her and my kids again. Speaking of kids I'm going to be a dad, again. Yup, she's pregnant I hope with my baby and not Jacob's punk ass. Either way, he or she is my baby. "Is that the last one?", Emily asked as I walked in with a box of what I think is her stuff.

"Yeah.", I said. "Where do you want it?". She looked at the box.

"That's Nathan's. Nathan come get your stuff!"

"Here I come!"

"You can just put it down.", Emily said. I put it down then put my arm around her neck.

"You finally back, for good.", I said smiling. She started smiling. "Don't go runnin' off again.".

"Don't give me a reason to.", she said looking at me.

"I won't.", I said as she walked to a box. She was about to pick it up. "I got it, you don't need to be lifting.". She smacked her lips.

"It's not even that heavy.", she said crossing her arms.

"So, where is it going?", I asked at I picked it up.

"My room.", she said.


We're all eating food at the table and talking. She's about to tell them that she's pregnant. It just looks like she's getting a little chubby. "So I have something to tell you guys.", she said after swallowing some food.

"What's up?", Nathan asked before putting food in his mouth.

"I'm pregnant.", she said smiling. They started smiling.

"Really?", Jayden asked.

"Yeah.", we said together.

"Jayda how do you feel about that?", Jayden asked looking at an empty seat. He's been doing this for almost a month now.

"Jayda asked are you trying to replace her.", Jayden said.

"No, never.", Emily said.

"She said no. What about you?", Jayden asked looking at me.

"Never.", I said.

"He said no. She said it's gonna be a girl with big greenish eyes, dimples and really curly black hair, she's gonna look white too.", he said looking at the empty seat. Emily's facial expression and body language changed. He's just playing around, I don't think she knows that. I grabbed her hand and looked at her, she just looked at Jayden. "Jayda asked if you're okay.", Jayden said looking up at Emily. She forced a smile on her face and shook her head.


Emily's been quiet since dinner. "You okay?", I asked as she put her clothes up. She didn't respond she just kept putting her clothes up. "Baby?".

"She's not yours Terrence.", she said after sniffing.


"Jacob got greenish eyes, we both got dimples, we both got curly hair. He's white and I'm light that's gonna make a pretty light baby Terrence. She's not yours.", she said leaning on the dresser and looking at me with watery eyes. She put her hands on her face and started crying. I got up and hugged her not letting her go.

"Baby you know that's not true.", I whispered in her ear. I didn't want Jayden to hear us. "It's just a phase, I'm not sure how long it'll last but eventually he'll grown out of it. Either way he or she is my baby, mine. Alright?". She shook her head and moved her hands. "You look like you meltin'.".

"What?". She looked in the mirror and laughed. "Fuck you.", she said getting some wipes and wiping her face off.

"Why you put that much makeup on in the first place? You're beautiful."

"Thanks.", she said smiling.


Terrence made me laugh whole helping me put up my clothes. That made me feel better. "Let me know when you get up.", Terrence said as we walked to the door.


"Love you.", he said before kissing me.

"I love you too.", I said kissing him back.


On my way to work I think I saw Tommy in a alley with Amari and some dude. I went back to the alley and saw Amari facing me while Tommy was on her knees sucking up some dude. I got out the car and she ran to me. "Don't run in the street!", I yelled waiting for a car to pass. Tommy looked at me then got up and ran, the dude did too. I jogged across the street to get Amari. She was crying. I picked her up and ran across the street to the sidewalk. When I paid attention to her, she had a swollen lip and cheek. I shook my head and put her in the car. I called in before pulling off. "Amari who hit you?", I asked as I pulled off.

"I'm gonna get in trouble."

"No you won't."

"Yes I will."

"Amari no you won't who hit you? Tommy? Marco? Or what ever his name is."

"Both on them.". What the fuck is Tommy doing? "She put needles in her arm and put white stuff up her nose a lot, Marco too. Everyday.". She was back there sucking dick for a fix. Damn Tommy, what the fuck happened? I called Emily and put it on speaker.

Me:You at work? I'm in the car with Amari and you're on speaker.
Emily:No and okay.
Me:Can you watch her?
Emily:Mhm, what's wrong?
Me:I'll tell you when I make it there.
Emily:Okay, can you pick me up something? Never mind.
Me:Don't do that, what you want?
Emily:Ice cream.
Me:I got you.
Me:No problem.

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