Chapter 19

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I just made it to Jayda's grave with red and pink flowers. I sat there and talked to her for about 30 minutes. I sat there and cried for about 15 minutes. While I cried somebody sat next to me and wrapped their arm around me. I looked and it's Nathan. I put my arm around him and layed on his shoulder. I heard him sniff a few times. "Ma I'm didn't mean that. I was just mad. René is just the female that gave birth to me. You're the one that took me in, you're the one who made sure I had everything I needed and most of the things I wanted, you're the one that loved me, I'm hoping you still do. I disrespected and hurt you and I am so sorry. I don't want anyone to do it but I did. I'm a big ass hypocrite, my bad that slipped out. I'm sorry. It'll never happen again. Just, please don't give up on me like she did.", he said with a crack in his voice. I looked at him and wiped his face. I pulled him to me and rubbed his back as he cried.

"I forgive you baby, I'm not giving up on you. I promise. I love you."

"I love you too."

"You do some shit like that again imma beat the black off yo' ass, okay?"

"Yes ma'am.", he said sniffing and sitting up. "So you and dad.", he said standing up and dusting of his pants.

"What about us?", I asked as he helped me up. I dusted off my skirt when I got up.

"What happened?"

"What did he say?"

"I overheard him tellin' Ricky that Jayden probably ain't his. I know he not gone say that for no reason.", he said as we walked back.

"I just said something that I shouldn't have cause I wanted to make him mad."

"Maybe you should clear that up before you leave tomorrow."

"Maybe you're right, how'd you get here?"


"He just dropped you off?"

"Yeah Jayden had to pee so he took him somewhere."

"You want me to wait?", I asked before opening the door.

"Nah, I know you're busy."

"I can wait."

"Okay, I'm going back over there.", he said walking backwards.

"Okay.". I leaned on the car and watched him. I got a message but I ignored it. A car pulled up behind mine. It's probably another family.

"How you doin' beautiful?", I heard Lamar ask. I ignored him. "I know you hear me talkin' to you. How you doin'?", he asked standing in front of me.

"Fine Lamar.", I said after huffing. He pulled me to him by my waist. Once he did Terrence pulled up. Now he think we got something going on. Fuck.

"Hey momma."

"Hey baby.". After he said that they walked to her grave well Jayden ran. "Let me go.", I said trying to move him. He grabbed my butt.

"Mily would've liked this."

"That's not me anymore, stop."

"If I don't?". I smacked him and he grabbed me by my throat, hard. "Don't put yo' fuckin' hands on me.", he said though clenched teeth.

"Terrence.", I said as loud as I could. That's not very loud. I started hitting my car hoping to get his attention.


I guess she got a nigga now. I heard banging on her car that slowed down and got softer. I turned around and saw him choking her. As I ran over there he let her go and she fell down. She's not moving. Fuck. Why didn't I turn around earlier? I know we ain't talking but I still care about her. Before I could get to him he got in his car and drove off. Instead of following him I went over to Emily. She's not breathing.

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