Chapter 21

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Home sweet home. Once I walked in I ran to the toilet and threw up. I probably ate something.


This is my first day actually having the kids. This shouldn't be hard. "Dad?", Jayden asked as we played the game.

"Yeah?", I asked pausing the game and looking at him. Nathan smacked his lips.

"Somebody's at the door.". I got up and went to the door. I opened it and it was Asia with 2 bags and she looks pregnant. Lord please don't tell me I got this girl knocked up.

"Yes Asia?"

"I need somewhere that stay. Sean kicked me out and my momma won't let me stay with her.", she said out of breath.

"What that gotta do with me?"

"I need somewhere to say, at least for the night."

"Why you so outta breath?"

"I had to walk from Sean's house, to my momma's house, to your house.". Damn. "Can I at least sit down. I'm pregnant for crying out loud.".

"With who baby?"

"Sean's. Can I please come in?". I can't just leave her outta here.

"1 night Asia."


"I got the bags go sit down.", I said moving over. She shook her head and went in. Once she did Afia walked up to my house with bags. Oh hell naw. I had a small fit inside of my head as she walked to me.

"Hey Terrence."

"Hey Afia."

"Can I come in?". I moved aside and she came in. I grabbed Asia's bags and huffed as I went into the house. Who's next?

"You got kicked out?"

"Ehh something like that.". I looked at her confused. "They said get an abortion or get out the house. I picked option 2. I can't kill my baby.".

"So you need somewhere to stay?"

"Only until my aunt comes back."

"How long is that?"

"3 weeks."

"That's 21 days Afia, damn near a month."

"Please? I don't wanna sleep in a homeless shelter."

"What about granny?"

"She died."

"Oh, sorry. No cousins? No aunties? No uncles?"

"Nope. Can I stay?"

"Do you got a job?"

"No.", she said lowly and slowly.

"Do you go to school?"

"Yes.", she said shaking her head. "I start in a week like everybody else.". I shook my head. "22nd and Springfield.".

"Nathan too. Alright, 21 days. That's it."

"Okay. Thank you."

"You're welcome. Nathan!"


Me:Then Afia came.
Emily:So you just gave my little room away.
Me:It's not even like that ma.

I heard her throwing up. She came back about 4 minutes after she stopped.

Me:You okay?
Emily:Yeah I think I ate something but what is it like then?


We stayed on the phone talking about the most random stuff until she fell asleep. After she did I took a shower then went to sleep.

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