Chapter 24

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I walked in crying and carrying my heels. I closed and locked the door then went up to my room. I got undressed and took a long hot shower. I didn't even care about my hair. Honestly I just want Terrence.


This feeling just won't go away so I'm flying out there. I'll make it around 12:20, well that's what they said.


Once I got in bed I heard my doorbell ring making me jump. Who the fuck is at my house at 12:45 in the morning? They kept knocking as I went downstairs. "Emily It's Terrence.", he said as little loud as I walked to the door. I opened the door. I hopped on him and wrapped my legs around him. Tears ran down my face but he couldn't tell. He had 1 hand around me and grabbed his bag with the other one. He walked in and closed the door with his foot. He put his bag down and locked the door. "What's wrong?", he asked rubbing my back. "What happened?". I started sniffing and holding in my cries. "Emily?". I didn't say anything. I started crying. "What's wrong?".


She won't tell me why she's crying, I won't push her so I'll stop asking for now. I grabbed my bag and went upstairs to the guest room. I saw Jade asleep in there so I went to her room. I'll sleep in one of their rooms, I'll only be here for the night.


"I can't with you.", I said laughing. I'm up with Terrence eating food and talking, he's making me laugh. A lot.


"Hmm?", I asked drinking some juice.

"Why was you cryin'?"


"Umm.". She looked down and started playing with her food. "Nothing, nothing.".

"You know you can talk to me Mily.". She got up and left her room. When she came back she closed and locked her door. She sat down and told me what happened. "Where he stay?", I asked putting on my shoes.

"Terrence no."

"Where he stay?", I asked as I tied my shoes.


"I will walk around this whole city knocking on doors until I find him Emily. I know it's more than one Jacob in this town. I will beat every Jacob in town, possibly to death and wouldn't give two fucks. You want me to go around killin' niggas? Where do he stay?", I asked looking at her. She put her hands in her face. "Shit okay.". I started leaving but she got in front of the door.

"No Terrence, no. What if I go to the police?"

"Fuck the police. Move Emily."

"No he'll get arrested and go to prison."

"He need his ass beat."

"Think about the kids. You already got 1 strike, by the time you get out Jayden would have kids.". She right. I had a small fit and sat back down.

"We goin' at 10:00 Emily."

"10:00.", she said sitting next to me. She hugged me and kissed my cheek. "I love you.".

"I love you too. It's time to go to sleep Mily.", I said standing up. "I'm in Nathan's room.".



While I was drifting off somebody got in bed with me. Is this Jade? "What the hell? Get the fuck out the bed.".

"I can't sleep with you?", Jade asked.

"No get the fuck out the bed."

"No, I want you."

"Bitch get the fuck out the bed before I push yo' ass off.", I said lying.

"No Terrence.". She put her arm and leg around me. I don't sleep with a shirt, this girl naked. Completely naked. I got out the bed quick as fuck.

"Bitch put on yo' clothes and leave.". Emily pick some crazy ass friends and niggas, including me. She smacked her lips and turned on the light then started getting dressed. Emily walked in.

"What the fuck Jade?"

"He tried-"

"Stop lyin'.", I said cutting her off.

"I'm not lying. Who you gone believe?", Jade asked holding her arm over her chest.

"I heard him telling you to leave Jade and you're in his room.". She couldn't even say anything. "Just get out of my house.". She grabbed the rest of her stuff and left. Emily started taking his sheets and covers off the bed. I helped her. "Nasty bitch.", she said to herself and huffing.


We fell asleep in her bed around 3:30.

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