Chapter 36

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I been in labor for 18 hours and 23 minutes. The twins were so simpler, why can't Olivia be too?


It's 2 in the morning and she's about to give birth. I can not explain how tired I am. I haven't been to sleep at all, once I got off work we had to come to the hospital. It's worth it though.


"One more push.", the doctor said. She pushed one more time then the baby came out then we heard crying.


I went home and took a shower then I came back and Emily on games. Emily won't let me look at Olivia and I don't know why. "Emily let me see her.".

"No Terrence, move.", she said covering up the baby. I smacked my lips.


She's not his, Jayden was right. I don't know how Terrence will react when he see green eyes and not brown. "Emily give me my damn baby. Let me see her at least.". I ignored him. He he huffed.

"You already saw her.", I said making sure he couldn't see her.

"You did too.", he argued. "Why can't I see her."

"Cause you just can't.", I said not looking at him. Why won't he just give up?

"You really hidin' my baby from me?". It's not your baby.

"Cause I can, I had her."

"And she came from me.". No she didn't. "So let me see her.".


"Why you bein' so damn childish?", he asked. I rolled my eyes. I am being childish.


"Why can't I see her Emily?", I asked sitting on the bed looking at her. She moved the baby towards her some and covered her face up some more.


"Cause what? Talk to me, what's up? What I do?"

"Nothing.", she said lowly.

"Then why can't I see my baby.". She flashed her to me then covered her back up.

"See.". That's not my baby.

The Thick Girl:New Beginnings Book 3Where stories live. Discover now