Chapter 26

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"Hey big head.", she said smiling and hugging me.

"Hey.", I said hugging her back smiling. I grabbed her bags and we got in the car. I told her about Tommy and Amari and she said she'll handle it. Not Tommy, Amari. "She got a nigga.".

"Who? Hannah?"


"You want me to go beat her ass?", she asked making me laugh.

"No Mily, you don't need to be fightin'."

"You're no fun.", she said pouting.

"I just want what's best for you ma.", I said before kissing her hand. Sometimes it's like we're in a relationship other times we're best friends. We're so complicated but I wouldn't have it any other way.


"Hey Emily.", Amari said running to me and hugging me.

"Hey Amari.", I said hugging her back. I can't believe Tommy got her out here like this. "What happened to your eye?".

"I fell down.". Me and Terrence looked at each other. "Can I take a shower?".

"Mari you just took one. For 30 minutes.", Terrence said.

"I wanna take another one!", she yelled with her fist balled. "I'm sorry.", she said softly and getting behind me.

"Hey momma.", Jayden and Nathan said together.

"Hey babies.". We hugged.

"Come on Amari.", Jayden said. "Lets finish playing the game.". She slowly walked away looking at Terrence as she did. When she got a little farther she ran. Jayden shrugged his shoulders and ran with her.

"If I find out somebody hittin' my niece imma-"

"Think about her and the kids, me too. We all need you. We can't lose you again."

"You need me?"

"Yeah I do."

"I need you too.", he said making me smile.


"Emily?", Terrence asked as I did some work on my phone.

"Hmm?", I asked not looking up.

"Why did you stay with me? I'm happy you did but why? I would've gave up on my ass a long time ago.", Terrence said making me look up.

"Maybe it's cause I'm madly in love with you.", I said shrugging my shoulders. "Plus the dick bomb.", I said making us laugh. "Nah but I fell in love with you that's why I let you come back time after time after time.".

"Do you still love me?", he asked.

"You know I do.", I said.

"I still love you too.", he said.

"I know.", I said smiling.

"Lets go out tonight.", he said as I locked my phone.

"Out where?", I asked fixing the top of my shirt. "Give me a shirt.".

"The movies.", he said getting off his bed and getting me a shirt. I took my shirt off and put his on.

"All of us?", I asked.

"Amari can't be out there with a black eye.", he said.

"I forgot about that but I'm down.", I said looking at my phone. LaLa's calling me.

LaLa:Issac got shot.

If it ain't one thing it's another. I better not lose my brother.

The Thick Girl:New Beginnings Book 3Where stories live. Discover now