Chapter 14

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"Follow me.", Emily said to everybody. We did as told. We skipped the whole line.

"Go wait in line like everybody else."

"Marco you gone do me like that?"


"Yes nigga."

"My bad ian even know that was you ma.", he said moving the rope. She got it like that?

"They with me.". She let us all go in before she did. I waited for her by the door.

"Damn.", a dude said as she walked in. She grabbed my hand and walked me somewhere. I never been in here before. It's lit. She pulled me to a bar.

"Pooh!?". The bartender looked around and she waved her hand. He came over smiling.

"What up Mily?", the bartender asked.


"The same?"

"You know it."

"Let me know if you need anything else baby.", he said giving her some shots. "Everything on the house.", he said as she pulled money out.

"Good lookin' boo."

"Anything for you.", he said before walking away.

"Damn you got it like that? Skippin' lines and free drinks."


"How did you get in here at such a young age?", I asked by ear.

"Fake I.D.". We stood at the bar and talked while she drunk her drinks. "It's crazy that they still know me after all these years.". I shook my head agreeing with her.

"I got word that Mily Mily in the house so this for you baby.", the DJ said. He turned on a twerking song.

"This my shit.". She started drinking the shots quickly then she pulled me on the dance floor and started dancing on me. This what I'm talking about.


The ones that came in the other car left already cause we weren't ready to go. "Mily that's enough.", I said taking a drink from her. She's drunk as fuck.

"Come on Terrence, 1 more.", she said trying to get it.

"No Emily, you can barely walk."

"Pooh!?". The bartender came over here.

"Don't give her anything else."

"Give me-"

"Mily I think you had enough."

"Ugh, yall suck. I'm ready to go anyways."


I helped Emily to her room and Ricky helped Jade to hers. Emily on some strait up freaky shit right now. She started taking my pants off but I stopped her. It don't feel right to fuck her while she's drunk. "Stop Emily.", I yell stopping her. She started taking her clothes off as I fixed my pants. Before I could say anything she started putting shorts and a shirt on. "Goodnight.", I said walking to the door. As I closed the door I heard her lowly crying. Why- oh, I yelled at her. I went back in and closed the door. I got in bed with her and turned the lamp off. "I'm sorry.", I said after I wrapped my arm and leg around her.


Our phones kept going off waking us up. I looked at mine and it was Nathan so I answered.

Nathan:Jayda had to be rushed to the hospital.
Me:Here we come.

I said jumping up.


"She stopped breathing while she was asleep. Jayden told me.", Nathan said to us. Before I could say anything a nurse walked to us, we stood up.

"I'm sorry, we couldn't revive her."

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