Chapter 34

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"Baby I gotta stay back.", I said to Emily.

"I'll feel safe with you there Terrence.", she said.

"I know baby, I wanna come but I can't they won't let me. You know if I see him imma fuck him up then I'll get arrested. We don't want that, right?"

"Right.", she said lowly with her head down.

"You got this. You can do it."

"I got this. I can do it. I love you.", she said before we kissed.

"I love you too, imma see you in a little bit."


When I pulled up it saw Jacob and Jayden. Sitting down. I got out with the duffel bag full of money and we walked to each other. He had a grin on his face. Jayden tried hugging me but he stopped him. I wanna punch him in his shit right now, I really want to."Open the bag.". I opened the bag and showed him the money. "On the count of 3. 1, 2, 3.". We quickly traded. He turned and walked away while we hugged. "Hey, Emily.". I looked and he had a gun pointed at me. Bullets started flying so we dropped to the ground and I used my body to shield Jayden. After a minute they stopped and I saw Jacob on the ground in a pile of blood.

"Come on baby.", I said hiding him from the body and blood.


I'm nervous as hell pacing the floor waiting on a call hoping it's a good one. They got the call I've been waiting for. He had a straight face while he talked making me even more nervous. When he hung up he looked at me and smiled making me smile. "Everything went as planned but Jacob, René and Lamar got killed.". Damn. Ain't God good? I ran upstairs and told them that we got Jayden back. They were happy, even the baby was smiling. They walked in and I ran to them. I picked Jayden up and hugged him. I put him down then went to Emily. We hugged and kissed.

"You alright?", I asked walking with her to the living room. She shook her head and smiled. She's shaking. "What's wrong?", I asked holding her hands.

"Bullets were flying everywhere, I thought he was gonna kill me. I guess I'm still a little worked up over it.". I held her and rubbed her back until she calmed down.

"I told you that you could do it ma.". She smiled. "Come on.". I got her hand and we went upstairs as they got their stuff together. They better not fuck nothing up.

The Thick Girl:New Beginnings Book 3Where stories live. Discover now