Chapter 33

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While the police talked I just got more and more pissed and sad. Sad ain't even the word. I want my baby back. I need my baby back. No calls, no messages, no nothing. The phone ringing shook me out of my thoughts. They told us to wait so they could track the number.

"Pick up."

Unknown:$500,000 unmarked $100 bills.

They told me to keep the conversation going.

Me:Anything else?
Unknown:How is the baby? Nathan Jr.

"Keep it going.", they mouthed to me. I shook my head. It's in a computer like voice so I can't tell who it is.

Me:He's fine.
Unknown:What about Amari?
Me:She's fine.
Me:What do you think?

They started laughing.

Me:What's so fucking funny?
Unknown:Calm down you're pregnant, I know you don't want this one to die too.
Me:Who the fuck is this?
Unknown:I want my baby Emily.

I asked squeezing Terrence's hand.

Unknown:Ding, ding, ding.
Me:You took Jayden?
Jacob:That wasn't my idea but yeah, we got him. I wanted you, I wasn't done.

We? It's his normal voice now. My grip on his hand got tighter He's sick. I almost started crying but they got me not to.

Jacob:Yeah you see and you Terrence caused a lot of problems with people, now it's time to pay.
Me:Why not punish us instead?
Jacob:No we want you to really hurt. Wanna talk to Jayda?
Me:Sh-she's dead.
Jacob:I mean Jayden.

He said laughing. God I hate him.

Me:Jayden! Did they hurt you?
Me:Is it René?
Jayden:Yes, Nathan Jr too?
Jayden:Yes I'm okay, I'm positive. I just wanna come home.
Me:Her boyfriend?

He whispered.

Jayden:I love you. They're taking the phone!

He yelled, I heard a loud thud. I heard René laughing. "Give me the phone.", she said.

Me:What was that?
René:Don't worry about it.

I could tell she was smiling.

Me:What the fuck do you want!?

She started laughing. The phone clicked. I threw the phone, one of the officers caught it and started crying. Terrence sniffed and wiped his face before holding me. "It's all my fault Terrence.".

"No it's not."

"I got him locked up, René-"

"He needs to be locked up, René got problems with us for no reason, and Tommy and her nigga junkies."

"Lamar.", I said.

"What?", they all asked confused.

"If they're splitting it evenly there's one more person, it gotta be Lamar. It gotta be."

"Baby who is Lamar?", Terrence asked holding my hand.

"The one that was choking me at Jayda's grave.". Terrence started getting mad, I know because his grip is getting harder and harder. This shit hurts.

"Terrence you're hurting me.", I said making him stop.

"I'm sorry baby, I'm sorry.", he said before kissing and rubbing my hand. Then he let it go.

"It's gonna be okay.", I said rubbing his face.

"Who's Jacob?". They don't know cause it was in Texas and we didn't bring him up, just Tommy, her nigga and René. They know a little about everybody but him.

"Umm-", I said playing with my fingers. Terrence grabbed my hand.

"He assaulted her down in Texas.", Terrence said as I got closer to him.

"Was it reported?", Officer Brown asked. I guess they waited on me.

"Yes.", Terrence said wrapping his arm around me.

"So he escaped?", Bob asked.

"I guess so.", Terrence said. They shook their heads then started talking.

"You alright?", Terrence asked looking at me. I shook my head. "You sure?". I shook my head. "I love you.".

"I love you too. I'll go check on the kids. You want anything?"

"Nah, I'm alright.". We borded up the windows in Nathan's room and they locked the door so nobody can get in. I knocked on the door.

"It's me.". The door opened. "Yall alright?".

"Yeah.", Nathan said wiping his face. I went in and closed the door. The other two are asleep. He laid on my lap and cried a little.

"I just talked to him, we think we'll get him really soon."

"Really?", Nathan asked sitting up and smiling.

"Yes.". He hugged me, I hugged him back. I wanna know how they know each other.


"We got the money, can we just trade? I need my son back."

"We're working something out right now we just need a little time."

"I need my fuckin' son now! Take me to get the money and get my fuckin' son back!", I yelled standing up.

"Come on let's take a walk.", Bob said. We walked out of the living room. I need to chill out before I do something stupid and get in trouble.

The Thick Girl:New Beginnings Book 3Where stories live. Discover now