Chapter 32

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"So how is this supposed to work?", Terrence asked eating a fry.

"How is what supposed to work?", I asked confused.

"You gone have a house full of kids, how is that gone work?"

"I have no idea. Can somebody move in with you?"

"Of course, who?"

"I don't know who wanna go."

"We'll figure something out.", he said drinking water. "Why won't you eat?".

"Huh?", I asked.

"You not eatin', why?". I started eating avoiding eye contact.

"You're pregnant not fat, don't think that you are. Ain't that right Olivia?", he asked wiping his hands and putting his hand on my stomach, she started moving around. "See.". I tried not to but I smiled.


We're all in the living room for a 'family meeting'. "Okay so, somebody gotta move in with Terrence. That's too many people in this one house. You're welcome here whenever.".

"Can whoever leave keep their room?", Nathan asked.

"Yes.", I said.

"Exactly how it is?", Jayden asked.

"Exactly how it is.". Jayden and Nathan started talking to each other lowly.

"If I was to move in with you.", Nathan said to Terrence. "Would you be willing to turn your office into a baby room? My room ain't big enough for the both of us.".

"Yeah, I barely use it.". They started talking again. They started going back and forth then they stopped and looked at us.

"I guess I'm moving in.", Nathan said.


We went out for dinner tonight cause I don't feel like cooking and I don't got taste for anything you can order. When we pulled up to my house we saw a big and thick envelope on my step. "You expectin' somethin'?", Terrence asked looking at me as the boys got out.

"No.", I said shaking my head.


Terrence looked at them first the boys tried but he wouldn't let them. "Go start packin', and yall go play the game.". I looked at him confused. I looked at the pictures with him and it's pictures of me and his having sex, us laying together, of me and us shopping. What the fuck? "What the fuck?", Terrence said lowly.

"Go see if something's at your door."



I heard the door. "D-". I stopped talking cause I didn't see Terrence, just a box of the floor. I opened the door and saw somebody in all black running and jumping over the gate and shit. What the fuck? I'll wait for Terrence to get back to open it. I made sure the door was locked then waited in the living room. Somebody knocked on the door. "Who is it?".

"Terrence.". I quickly opened the door. "What's this?", he asked closing the door. "You okay.", he asked with his eyebrows scrunched up.

"Somebody opened the door and slid that box in here. I looked outside and somebody in all black was running and jumping over shit."


"See what's in the box". He gave me the envelope then grabbed one of his keys to open the box. It's Jayda's favorite cover and bear, it's a pink rose too. I quickly looked at the rose looking for Jayda's name and I found it. They took it from Jayda's grave. I know because Jayden carved her name into the flower and put it on her grave the other day. Tears started rolling down my cheeks. Terrence hugged me and rubbed my back. He talked to me and I stopped crying. We took the box and envelopes into the front room and opened the one that was at his house. It's basically the same thing but at his house but his got more. It's stuff from earlier today, yesterday, him setting stuff up for the date and us at dinner. His had a note too .

"You have have what I want by the time you read this we'll have someone you love."

"What the fuck?", we asked together. "The kids!", we said together. We ran upstairs and went our separate ways. I went into Nathan's room. I didn't see him but I saw the baby in the bed. "Nathan!?".

"Ma I'm right here, I had to pee.". Terrence ran in here with Amari and not Jayden.

"Where's Jayden?". Terrence ignored me and dropped down to the floor then looked under the bed.

"FUCK!", Terrence yelled making everybody jump.

"Where's Jayden?", I asked again and Terrence went through Nathan's closet. I ran in my room and started looking everywhere.

"Stay here! Go in the room with them Emily.", he said as calm as he could. He lifted up his shirt and I saw a gun, my eyes got big. He gave it to me. "You cock then shoot.". I shook my head. "Call the police, Jayden's gone.". My heart just dropped. "No baby you gotta keep it together, okay?".

"But that's-"

"Look at me, calm down and keep it together. Okay?". I took a few deep breaths then shook my head.


"I love you.", he said kissing me.

"I love you too.". He put me in the room then closed the door.


I ran down the stairs damn near jumped down them and started looking everywhere. I can't find him. He's not in here. They took Jayden.

The Thick Girl:New Beginnings Book 3Where stories live. Discover now