Chapter 9

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"Are you going on a date?", Jayda asked as Jade did my hair.

"Just out to dinner."

"With who? Daddy?"

"Yes Jayda.". She got a big ass smile on her face.


"It's nothing like that baby."


"You back with Asia?", Nathan asked as I tied my tie.

"Hell no."

"Who you goin' out with?"

"It's just dinner."



"How you get her to go out with you?". I ignored him.

"You ask a lot of questions."

"So, how'd you get her to say yes?"

"We just talked."

"Yall had sex?"

"Boy no, if we did its not your business. Speakin' of sex, you a virgin?", I asked looking at him through the mirror.


"Are you still a virgin?"

"No.", he said slowly. I shook my head saying okay.


"A few days after my birthday."

"What birthday?"

"My 16th.". What the fuck?



"In this house?"


"Where? Where yall at now?"

"Yeah. They was gone, she wanted to come through so I was like coo'. Ian know we was gone have sex, I thought she was gone give me head. It wouldn't be the first time but anyways."


"Yeah. It's just head. I never went down on a girl though. That's nasty. I bet it smell and taste nasty too.". I chuckled and shook my head.

"Man, man, man, yo' momma taste-". I stopped talking and my smile dropped. His eyes got big. He tried talking but he couldn't. "What were you saying?", I asked looking at the time.

"Umm, I don't even know."

"You thought she was gone give you head."

"Ohh! Yeah, yeah. It turned into something better. She didn't know that I was a virgin though. I was a pro."

"You never had sex before so-"

"With all the porn I watch I learned a trick or two.". I don't know how to respond to that. "Plus by the way she was screamin' trust me, I'm a pro.". I don't know how to respond to that either.

"So Mr.'Pro', I'm guessing you didn't use protection."

"Uhh no.", he said slowly.

"Brianna could be walkin' around here pregnant, you know that right? Even worse you could have somethin'.", I said drinking water and looking at him. "You goin' to the doctor tomorrow.".

"No, no, no, no, no you can't tell her."

"I'm not, I'm takin' you.". He exhaled and smiled.

"Good and um it wasn't Brianna."

"Who was it?"



"You know the Emeke, the dude momma was talkin' to? His daughter."

"What!?". Now I probably gotta fight this nigga. Strike 2.

"What? She a freak. I swear she is. Once she came boom, it was on. She's really flexible.". I know he is not about to tell me how a 16 year old is in bed. No. Hell no. "She-".

"Don't.", I said stopping him. "We gotta talk when I get back, actually tomorrow. I don't want nobody but you and Jayden in my house.".


"I'm serious.", I said as I made sure I had everything.

"Me too.", he said as we walked out.

The Thick Girl:New Beginnings Book 3Where stories live. Discover now