Chapter 16

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We're at Target getting a few things for Terrence's house. I leave in 3 days. It's been 3 weeks since everything happened, we're taking everything day by day. Terrence has been there for me, everyday and night I stayed up crying. Somebody waving their hand in front of my face shook me out of my thoughts. I looked and it was Terrence. Duh Emily, who else would it be? "You okay?", Terrence asked.

"Mhm.", I said shaking my head.

"You sure?"


"Ma can you get me this?", Nathan asked talking about a phone case.

"Yeah.". He put it in the cart.

"When can I get a phone?", Jayden asked looking at me.

"When you're old enough.", Terrence said.

"I'm talking to my momma."

"I'm talking to you.". We stopped walking and they just looked at each other. "Watch that attitude.".

"She got a mo-"

"Jayden stop talking back.", I said.

"If I don't?". I flicked him upside the head hard.

"Stop being disrespectful.". We started walking again. Damn I know that hurt, I forgot I just braided his hair. He don't want his hair cut.


"I'm not talkin' to you!", Nathan yelled to me.

"I'm don't fuckin' care you're not leaving!", I yelled back. He wants to go to the basketball court but it's too late.

"Nathan don't fuckin' yell at her like that! The fuck wrong with you?", Terrence yelled.

"Why not? She not my momma. She just a bitch that wanna be."

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