Chapter 37

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"Really Emily?", I asked. She let me look at her for 3 seconds. She's not my baby but I'll treat her and love her like she came from me. Fuck that. That's my baby. I don't care what nobody gotta say. Oliva is my daughter and always will be.

"You saw her already."

"I saw her for a second earlier and I just saw her for 3 seconds. Let me see my baby."

"No.", she said lowly. I reached for the baby and she smacked my hand. "No Terrence.". I huffed and looked at her.

"Why not?"

"C-cause she's not yours.", she said lowly.

"I know.". She looked at me with her eyebrows scrunched up. "She's still my baby and she always will be my baby. I don't care what nobody gotta say, she's my daughter. Okay?". She just looked at me.


"Now can I get my daughter, please.". She gave her to me.

"What are they gonna say when they see her? What am I supposed to tell them?". I sat there thinking about it. What are we gonna say? "I guess I gotta tell them what happened.", she said huffing. I looked and she was looking down.

"Baby we'll figure somethin' out.", I said grabbing her hand. She looked up and smiled half way. "You look exhausted.".

"I am, you look really tired."

"I am. Go to sleep, I got her."


Everybody's on their way now and I'm nervous as fuck.


"Hey momma.", Jayden and Nathan said together.

"Hey.", I said smiling. We hugged then washed their hands.

"Grandma's sick and Issac had to go get Amari.". I shook my head saying okay.

"Where's the baby?"

"With Afia.". I shook my head saying okay. Jayden sat down and Nathan walked to me. When Nathan saw Olivia his face scrunched up. He shrugged his shoulders and unscrunched his face. "Can I see her?".


"Nathan take them to get something to drink.", Issac said talking about Amari and Jayden. He gave them some some money then they left. "Why is Olivia white? If she didn't look like you I wouldn't think this was yo' baby.".

"Yeah, why is my grandbaby white? Is she my grandbaby?". Me and Terrence looked at each other. We started talking with our eyes. We don't know what to say so I guess I gotta tell the truth.

"No.", I said.

"Yes.", Terrence said. "Remember what I said.".

"Are you asking me a question or making a statement?", I asked with my head tilted.

"Making a statement.". I shook my head.

"What did you say?", Issac asked.

"That Olivia's my daughter no matter what and that I don't care what nobody gotta say."

"So she's not yours daughter?", Issac asked.

"Yes, she is my daughter."

"Baby no she's not.", Terrence's momma said.

"Momma yes she is."

"Jayda and Jayden didn't look like it.", his momma said. Did she just call my baby a it? Okay Emily don't get ghetto up in here.

"Olivia's my daughter, okay?"

"No she's not Terrence. She cheated on you with some white dude.", his momma said.

"No I didn't.", I said.

"Yes you did you lying-"

"Ma.", Terrence said interrupting her. "Don't talk to her like that.".

"Terrence this bitch cheated on you!"

"Did you just call me a bitch and Olivia a it?"

"Yes I did."


"Shut up Terrence.". He smacked his lips.

"How you g-". I looked at him pissed and he stopped talking.

"For your fucking information I was attacked in Texas around the same time I fucked Terrence. Yes Olivia is not Terrence's daughter but I did not cheat on him. My baby got a damn name. Oliva not no damn it! I'm not in the mood to he dealin' with yo' bullshit.-"

"Baby calm down."

"No fuck that shit-"

"She's sorry. You're sorry right?"

"Yes I'm sorry, I didn't know and I was wrong to call her that.". I just looked at her.

"And she accepts your apology right?". I just looked at him. Hell no I don't accept her apology calling my baby a it. That bitch It the killer Clown. Ole ugly ass goofy ass trick ass bitch. She got me fuck left, fucked right, fucked down, fucked up. That bitch got me fucked up. And he think I'm gonna just forgive her. He better get his goofy ass away from me looking just like his ugly ass momma.

"Terrence get away from me.". He just looked at me.

"Emily she said sorry.", Issac said.

"Issac who the fuck talkin' to you?", I asked with my face scrunched up. He smacked his lips. "Ole money lookin' ass.".

"I know you ain't talkin' Mufasa.". He called me that cause of my hair. He started singing the Lion King song. He stopped and started laughing. "Ole tomatoe face ass.". I grabbed my phone. "I got Olivia.", he said quickly stopping me. I was about to throw it at him.

"Ugh you so irritating with yo' black ass."

"Stop actin' light skinned.". I hate when he say that and he know it.

"That's why yo' dreadlocks fucked up."

"Fuck you, I'm fenna get my shit retwisted.". I rolled my eyes.

"Fuck you."

"Yall done?", Terrence asked before he could reply. Me and Issac just mugged eachother. I rolled my eyes and looked away.

"What ever.", I said. Terrence just looked at me. "What?".



Emily been acting bipolar all day. She been cursing us out, crying, and she would just lay down and look numb. I'll talk to her when I make it back.


"Emily?", I asked pulling the chair up to her bed. She didn't say anything she just looked at Olivia. "Emily?", I asked a little louder and putting my hand on her thigh. She looked up at me.

"Hmm?", she asked softly. "Can you put her in the bed?". I put her in her bed then sat back down.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing.", she said confused.

"You been actin' bipolar all day."



"I'm sorry.", she said with watery eyes.

"Baby don't cry.", I said sitting on her bed.

"I'm can't help it.", she said crying. I hugged her and rubbed her back not letting her go. I hope this is a one day thing.

The Thick Girl:New Beginnings Book 3Where stories live. Discover now