Chapter 38

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Emily been depressed since she had Olivia. She says nothings wrong but I can tell something is wrong. She's not eating, she's in bed all day, she don't smile, she don't laugh, she don't answer her phone, she don't reply to messages. She's just not Emily. I try talking to her about it but she always tell me 'later' or 'not now' or 'I'm fine'. I wanna get her some help but you can't help someone who don't wanna be helped.


"Can we talk?", I asked sitting on Emily's bed.

"Sure.", Emily said lowly and sitting up.

"I think you're depressed."

"I'm not."

"You don't eat, you don't smile, you don't laugh, you don't respond to messages, you don't answer calls, and you're always in bed. You're depressed Emily.". She just looked at me.

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are, you're in denial. Emily you're depressed and I think you should talk to somebody."


"Baby I hate seeing you like this. Do it for the kids.". She just looked at me. "Please.". She closed her eyes and huffed.

"Fine, I'll talk to somebody.", she said opening her eyes.

"Thank you."

"Can I have a hug?"

"Of course.". I hugged her tight and rubbed her back. She started crying so I didn't let her go. "It's gone be alright.".

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