Chapter 9-D-Day

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Author Note: This and future chapters contain sexually explicit material. It is not my intent to offend anyone and wanted to let you know before you proceed. 

I headed on down to the Little Kitchen to see if Prince is there. As I cross the Atrium,Patrick comes running out from his desk. I said, "Where's P?" He said gone, he went to town. Girl, what did you do to him last night? I side eyed him and said, 'for God's sake, what do you mean, is he OK?'  Very dramatically, waving his hands in the air, Patrick is like, no,no, no he's fine he is just a different person, happy and full of life. Everything I told you the other day, is more so today. Now Patrick, you know I don't kiss and tell and gave him a slight smile.He goes OK, OK, I know. I said, now Patrick, get your mind out of the gutter. You know Prince and I have been friends for a very longtime. We just sat up late and talked into the wee hours of the morning. Well, Patrick said, All I can say is he was so lively and bounded thru the lobby here like he was on cloud 9 so, what else was I supposed to think? Patrick, all I can say is, he knows I have his back. Patrick said, You always did. I head over to get a bite to eat and Patrick follows me. I fixed an english muffin with peanut butter and a cup of coffee. Patrick asks, what are you here to do for him? I looked at him and just said, I really don't know yet. Well, I do I just have not agreed to do it so I'd prefer not to say at this time,OK? Patrick then goes, OH, you need to get upstairs and see Cathy, she needs you for something. I asked if he knew where Prince was going and he shook his head no. Well, I'd better get up there in case she needs a fitting for the dress and we'll need to get that done before he returns. Besides, I need Cathy to do an errand for me so I need to get that done. I charged up the stairs and get to wardrobe.Cathy is working feverishly on the dress. She turned and said good.  We need to slip this on and see how it fits. There was a privacy screen in there so I slipped back there and put it on. Wow, it is so beautiful and fits perfectly. Just my style too. handkerchief hem,swirly and floating and not too low neckline. Love it. She approved of the fit so I took it off and got redressed. When I came out she asked my shoe size so she could get a pair to match. I asked, are you going out today, she said yes. I told her what happened last night and I knew I could trust her to secrecy. She knew back in the day when I was bouncing it with a lead actor and never ever gave me up or I would have been fired on the spot. So she asked if I was going to take it to another level and I said I did not know but if we did,  I needed some special panties. She asked about a bra and I said no that's not necessary but I have been wearing granny panties and need some really pretty ones. She asked what color, and I said 2 white and 2 beige will work with my bras and one black. She said, damn girl, I could have made them for you but we are on a tight schedule with this concert and the dress, I just don't have time. She walked over to a drawer and pulled out one of the most beautiful garter belts I had ever laid eyes on. She said here, 'take this and I'll pick you up some stockings to go with it and that will work great with the new dress.' Don't worry, it is your size. She said, 'don't ask, you don't want to know but, it has never been worn.' Humm, maybe he did have a fuller figure girl at some point. Well, we will see. Cathy told me when she got back from her shopping trip, she would sneak them into my room so don't worry, she'll take care of it. We got that out of the way and right on cue Prince showed up. He peeked in and said, I see you girls are having a good time. I started to get up and go towards him and he said, "no, no, it's not time for rehearsal yet so you two can keep talking and get it all in. I know you have a lot of past to cover." He then zipped out the doorway. I told Cathy,he's up to something. Did you see that devilish smile on his face? She agreed. Time flew by and he came to get me for rehearsal.

We head down to the rehearsal space and the band was all there. Low and behold, there's Morris. He comes bounding down off stage and grabs me in a big bear hug lifting me off my feet. He goes, Girl, let me look at you. You still look as HOT as you ever did back in the day. I blushed. Prince goes, no no Morris, this one's mine. Morris winks at me and says he'll be over in a few as he is only need for a one set. They jump into a series of songs and then Morris comes over after his set. He goes, Girl, so you are the one responsible for us getting our man back! I heard yesterday from a few of the fellas and they told me how well the rehearsal went yesterday. We were all worried about him, really bad. He just was terrible to be around and ½ the guys were thinking of just quitting. But now he's back and better than ever. You know, he has never been this agreeable, ever! Yeah, I said, 'that's what I've been hearing'. Morris went on and on. He was so happy to see me and see his boss happy. He asked why I was there? I said, You know Morris, I'm not really sure. It just happened. He got me up here to do a couple of projects, but nothing has materialized. I am beginning to think it was some kind of rouse to get me here. I just don't know. Maybe I'm on a mission from God! We roared with laughter.  Morris said just keep doing whatever you are doing. The band thanks you and I'm sure the staff is thanking you too. We really like him like this. He then leaned over and said, I told P awhile back that  you were his girl. You have been his best friend and you never betrayed him. I said, aww, Morris you are too. Morris then said, but you can do things for him that I can't and he smiled at me. Morris also told me that he always knew when P called me because his demeanor would be very different the next day. He said, I just knew it was you. So I changed the subject and asked which night he was playing. He said he it would be Wednesday night. Just then, Prince headed our way. He told Morris he was done if he wanted to leave so Morris excused himself. P sat down next to me and said, I had to get rid of him as he might be hitting on you or something. I said, 'Stop, you know better than that'. He leaned over and kissed my cheek and said one more set and we are finished for the day. He stood up and yelled to the band, everybody ready for some pizza? They all shook their heads no and some were mumbling they had to get home. Others just said they wanted to get back and relax. I knew something was up.  So P said, everyone on tomorrow, sound check 2:00. He said to me to go tell Patrick to order just one for us with side salads. I said "OK", and off I went. When the door started to close, I heard a bunch of cheering. I stopped and wondered what that was all about. So, I sneaked back and look through a crack in the door and some the band members were shaking his hand for some reason. Oh well, he probably told them about pay for the shows or something. It was getting late and poor Patrick was still there. I told him what P told me to get and he said right away. Patrick said as soon as the pizza arrived, he was going to take off. I said we can handle it from there. I hurried upstairs to see if Cathy got my panties and sure enough, they were exactly where she said she'd put them. I grabbed a pair and rushed into the bathroom to change. Wow, these are really pretty and they fit perfectly. She is a gem. She even got me a bonus pair of tap pants. Those were especially pretty. I'll save them for another night. OK this is D-day and it looks like we are alone again another night, so we'll see where this takes us. I get back to the rehearsal space and it just 3rdeyegirl at this point. Everyone else is gone.When I come in, he motions for me to come up and points to a chair onstage right in front of him. Wow, this is going to be interesting. So, I get up there and situated in the chair then he rips off one of the most beautiful guitar solos. Then I see the girls smiling from ear to ear and I know something is up. He then ques up the next song, "I Like It There", Then "She's Always In My Hair", Then"Screwdriver". Then he took the microphone and knelled downright in front of me looking at me right in the eye and closed the set out with"Satisfied". I just creamed my new panties when he did that one. I can see what tonight is going to be all about.

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