Love Story

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GiGi POV-Storytime

"Sweetheart, it's storytime. Let me tell you a fairytale about a Prince that began a long, long ago. There was this incredibly shy young man who worked diligently and purposely at what seemed like his entire life to be a great musician. By the time this musician was in the music business for only a few short years, he accomplished more than most artists amass in a lifetime. I had the good fortune to be summoned by that said musician to interview him because of my reputation for doing many of these types of high profile interviews with other well-known artists. For some reason, the notoriety of being the only journalist to be granted an interview in a long time with this particular musician, I was edgy even though I planned my questions and was well prepared for this interview after the concert. The concert was a secret show to kick off a much-anticipated concert tour to support a blockbuster hit movie and the movie soundtrack album. The audience was blindsided, but it was exuberantly well received. What a fantastic concert to debut the tour at a small club. After the concert, I waited for what seemed like an eternity to be called back for the interview. With my cousin in tow, she had worked at the concert venue previously and knew the owner. We killed time talking with the owner until after a period of time I was taken backstage to his dressing room for the interview. Upon the arrival in his dressing room, the entire band and a few extras were crowded in the small room with him" 

I pause to take a breath and collect my thoughts on telling him my recollection of that first meeting he has never heard before. He is focused on me intently. I love telling him a story, it's so delightful doing it like this. "Baby..." I put my finger to his lips. "Shhh! Sweetheart. Allow me to finish my enchanted fairytale story of a Prince and his Princess." 

Quipping in a childlike voice 'OK', he pulls me into his arms as we sink deeper into the bed, getting more relaxed and comfortable. Our bodies intertwined, we shared a tender, loving kiss before I continued. "When the crowd cleared the way, he was sitting majestically on a purple velvet loveseat, his throne, still wearing all his full dress regalia stage clothes. Oh, my-my-my! Twas he ever so handsome...magnificently fine! My heart was a flitter and skipped a beat or two. I felt I was going to come down with the vapors. Be still my heart, I urged myself. Seeing me, he quickly sprinted to split the distance between us to introduce himself. 'Hi, I'm Prince.'  he shyly said in a smooth, almost inaudible silky baritone voice as he took my extended hand and clasped it between his. I could feel an indescribable current he transmitted through his hands to me. I calmly responded, 'Hi, I'm Karen Neil, I'm honored to meet you. me Gigi.'  The Prince took me by my hand, leading me around the room, he introduced me to each and everyone in his court. There was something in the air, I could sense something magical was about to take place. I was spellbound by all this, not a word was heard in a state euphoria until a loud bellow broke the silence, EVERYONE GET OUT!  I quickly regained consciousness from the hypnotic state I was in while he continued to led me by the hand back over to the purple velvet loveseat. 'Please,' he said 'Sit with me.'  Apprehensively, I took a seat next to him on the loveseat and began to pull out my notebook, he quietly spoke. 'Put that away and let's just talk.' I nodded as turned my attention back to him, looking directly at him, our eyes entranced. Drawn into his captivating eyes, I could see an ever so slight hint of anxiety but there was a twinkle, a spark in those beautiful orbs. It was beyond my imagination, I was instantly comfortable and felt as if I had known him my entire life. It was as if we were going to reminisce about our past. Perhaps I did know him in another lifetime. Conversation easily flowed while we talked, and joked, and laughed, and talked some more what seemed like time had no boundary. When the interview drew near the end, we concluded and parted ways. Little did I know at that particular point in time, this meeting would be the beginning of an epic saga, a magical journey that has guided me to where I am right this very enchanted moment with you my Prince." 

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