Dinner Date

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I wake late morning and he's holding me snugly.I think he's awake, "Good Morning, Sweetheart." "Good Morning,Baby. How are you this morning?" Looking into his beautiful orbs,"I am with the one I love, in his arms holding me and nothing can be any better than that." Tilting my chin up with his finger, he kisses me softly, "Baby, I love holding you. It is the most wonderful feeling in the world. I love you." As I lay there with him holding, we are enjoying the morning talking and deciding what to do today. I have work to do on the memoirs before we leave. He has some work to do on the concert and has some other things to do on that. We decide to take a shower and it took longer than anticipated,we left satisfyingly energized for the day. He ordered our lunch to be served on the veranda and it was delicious, love the menus he picks for us. I discuss with the staff our plans for the weekend and gave them our travel plans. My work took much longer than I had anticipated, the interruptions of phone calls kept me from concentrating on the memoirs. If I get it done today I won't have to do much of  anything tomorrow but pack for our trip to Curacao on Friday. I knocked it all out while he did what he does. There is a large room below my office he uses for practice, plays music and writes music down there. It would make a wonderful studio for him when we are here for long periods of time, like this. I can faintly hear him playing his acoustical guitar, so I know he's down there right now. If he needs to record something he's worked on, he will book studio time at a nice small recording studio here. I finish up with my work and head down to see if he's about done. 

Standing in the doorway, I watch him intently, listening to what he's playing and wait to see how long it takes for him to notice me. Oooo, this is a new song he's put together, really a pretty song. He gets so into the music and focused on what he is doing, it may take him awhile to see me. I lean on the door frame and take it in. When he finishes the song, he spins around in his chair and, hello. Eyes wide and a little taken back, "Baby,how long have you been there?" Taking his guitar off, carefully placing it in the stand and moving toward me, I answer, "Not long."Embracing me with a peck on the lips, "I'm done for the day. How bout we go out for dinner tonight?" Smiling, "Are you asking me to go out with you on a date?" Uh-huh, he utters. I asked, "How dressed up do I need to be?" "Casual, just wear something sexy."I reply, "I think I can handle that. Where are we going?" "Baby,let me surprise you." We go upstairs to change clothes, following me into my wardrobe/dressing area. "Let me pick something out for you to wear." "Okay, Girlfriend." He picked out a dress,jewelry, shoes, handbag, everything down to the underwear and all color coordinated. I smirked, "Do you want to dress me too?"Looking at me with those come hither eyes, shaking his head sideways,"Huh-uh. Baby, as much as I would love to do that. If I do, we may not make it to dinner. I'd rather undress you, after dinner." I dropped my dress to the floor and I'm standing there in just my bra and panties. Wisecracking, I say "Can we come back home before you do that?" He throws his arms around me laughing hysterically,"Baby, you are way too funny and your sense of humor never stops.Um-on second thought, should we order in?" I retort, "Nah-uh, you asked me out on a date, and we're going. There is no backing out now,Mr. Nelson!" This is going from bad to worse, "Oh Baby, I love when you get bossy with me. It's such a turn on." If he thinks that's a turn on, I step back and point to the door, sternly, "March mister and go get dressed." He hangs his head and pleading with me,"Baby, I'm so turned on. Can we at least have a quickie." I know I'm going to pay for this later but, "M-A-R-C-H!" We rarely go out and it was his idea, so I'm making him stick to it. Yeah, I screwed with him and it was lotta fun. He gets dressed faster than I did, so he came in my wardrobe as I'm sitting on the vanity bench finishing my makeup and helped me with my jewelry. Standing behind me kneading my arms, kissing my neck and doing little things to get me hotter than July. Watching him romancing the stone(me), in the mirror, I ponder what to do. If I do nothing, this is going to continue all the way through dinner. If I cave, we probably won't make it to dinner. It is already too late to do anything as the restaurant will be closing soon, so any delay will nix that. Perhaps a compromise is in order, "Sweetheart, are we driving or is Kirk taking us." "I was going to drive, why?" I say, "Have Kirk drive us." He flew out there like a bat and called Kirk, zipping back to me. While he was gone, the panties were in no shape to wear, they hit the laundry basket, so I was ready. Bending over on the bench putting my shoes on, looking up directly at Mr. Happy, he was so happy and was bulging the seams of his pants. I pity-patted him and said, "We'll take care of you in a few minutes." as he moaned,grabbing my hand and whisking me down to the car. Kirk is sitting up there with headphones and a cover on the rear view mirror. I took care of him before we even cleared the driveway. Of course, he had to return the favor and when we arrived at the restaurant, we enjoyed dinner very satisfied.

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