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I wake up startled, it is eerily dark and I can't see my hand in front of my face. I reach for him and he's not with me.  I shriek, "PRINCE!" I hear him yelling back at me, "Baby, I'm coming, I'm coming" I feel him land on the bed, but I can't see him. "Baby, I'm right here, I'm here. What's wrong?" "I CAN'T SEE!, I CAN'T SEE! I think I'm blind!" 

Quickly grabbing me up in his arms, "Baby, baby, baby, It's OK, there's a power outage. I took the only candle that was still lit with me to see what was going on. Let me go get it so we'll have some light. The other candles have burned out. Is it okay if I leave you for a few minutes?" Holding onto him tightly, "Yes, Sweetheart. I thought I had lost my vision. I'm alright now." 

He rushes out and brings a lit candle to me along with another one. He tries to relight some of the other candles and gets some light. "Sweetheart, go into my wardrobe and in my suitcase are those LED candles. Those will stay lit." "Great Baby, those will work better." He retrieves them and places them around the bedroom. I have to go pee so I take an LED candle with me to the bathroom. When I finished, I brought it back with me, crawling into bed with him, "Sweetheart, is it going to get cold in here without power?" "No Baby, there's a back-up system and we should have power. That is why I was away from you because it should have kicked in. It seems the heat is on, but the electric power is not. We should be warm, I'll call in the morning and find out why we are in the dark. The new house has a back-up system and if we have to, we can go over there." 

I'd almost rather freeze to death again as go back to that house or at least until we talk and get that all worked out, but, I'll be nice, "Sweetheart, perhaps you should put a call in now about the backup system and that way they will know there is a problem. I'm sure the building maintenance company has 24 hour monitoring." "Baby, good idea, I'll go do that and be right back." He has to go to his office to look up the number and call them, so I wait for him to return to me. 

It does not seem warm in here to me. He's been gone for a quite awhile making me wonder what's up. Here he comes strolling in and hops up on the bed, "Baby, don't get upset. We have to go over to the new house. There is no heat or power and I don't want you to get cold. The maintenance company said our system is off line and they got the alert to send someone out. They called the phone downstairs and left the message. It may not be fixed until day after tomorrow. The power grid is down because of the cold temperatures, and they don't know if or when ECEL energy will have the power back on. In the meantime, we have a backup generator at the new house and it is better we go over there until this gets all sorted out. I'll drive us over now so you don't get cold." 

I think about it and decide it really is for the best to just go, don't say anything. "Sweetheart, I'm alright. Let's get dressed and get over there. Are you sure you can drive?" "Yes, Baby. I'm good to go. We have food and everything we need over there. We just need to get dressed and out of here as soon as we can. With these sub zero cold temperatures, it will get cold in here quick. I gave the maintenance company Patrick and Charlie's number to let them in when they come out, so no worries; I won't have to leave you." This is the bewitching hours so there won't be any traffic and we should get over there quickly. "Sweetheart, I'm alright with it. We need to stay warm and the house will provide us shelter from this polar vortex hovering over as well as not having power here." 

"Baby, it's our home too. It's not just a shelter. I really wish you would love our new place." I sigh and give him my side-eye. "Sweetheart............I can't.......... I can't have this conversation. I have to rest and heal from this head injury. Please, don't do this to me." Seeing his reaction to tears welling up in my eyes, he comes across the bed, "Baby, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I was not thinking. I won't say anymore because I want you to get well. I love you so much." He holds me in his arms until the tears in my eyes clear. We get dressed quickly and had to walk all the way down the steps to the garage. We picked up a flashlight on the way out and there is some emergency lighting in the Atrium. He had to pull the automatic garage door from the overhead lift so we could get out and go back to close the door manually. No power, no power door and no elevator. When we get over to the house he put the key code in and the gate opened. He had a key to bypass the key code if it was not hooked up to the generator, but it was. 

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