Chapter 17 Part 2

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I head out and look over and see Bream sitting on the chair. He looks like he's about to come unglued. He can hardly sit still. OK, got do this. I head down the stairs and round the bend. I shout, JON! He stands up and opens his arms to greet me. I hug him and he says, "Great to see you Gigi. How have you been? I said, "Good, really good. Let's sit here. Is this OK with you Jon?" He agrees. He is about to burst. I said,"Jon what do you know." He says that's why I'm here isn't it? I gave him my famous look and said, "Now Jon, I am not going to play any games, you know?" He said, "I know you Gigi, and you are a straight up type person. I know better than that." I say, "I called you here to give you something I think you not only deserve but something I think you will do justice to. He was grinning ear to ear and winks at me. I said, "No, stop it, it is not what you think. Were you at the Dakota last, night?" He said, "Oh yeah, I got a call immediately after the first show so I hot footed it up there. I caught the second one. The whole thing. Even the table deal beforehand." I took a deep breath and collected my thoughts. He damn well knows what's going on and nothing I'm going to say is going to change that. So I have to get a compromise out of him for that. I laughed out loud and said, "Jon, what I'm going to give you is something better than what you witnessed. You did me right in your review and I am glad you respected me, not to mention him. You are a top notch journalist and I respect you too." He gets a little giddy and says, "When I saw you, I had to wonder what was going on. The call I got was really off color and not very nice because the caller has no idea you two had a past. Even though we have been out of touch for a long time, I did recognize you. You were hot back in the day, which I was jealous about because that got you a lot of interviews I wanted. You are still hot, girl." I said, "Thank you. Now Jon, can I trust you, really trust you? You know you owe big time me for that interview I got for you back in the day with Bon Jovi." He nodded yes and proceeded to say, "I did not rat you out in the article today, did I?" I said, "That is why I contacted you. You have always been respectful and I know you will keep this under wraps. So we agree? He nodded again. I said,"Jon I need to hear you say Yes." So he replied, "Yes, I'll keep confidential what ever you tell me to." I said, OK. Here we go Jon, this is what I'm giving you. If you need any details, I'll give you my cell and email. Prince called me up here to convince me to help him write his memoirs. I have been here all week. I just agreed to do them last nite. He was over joyed that I agreed to help him. That is partly what you and the crowd at the Dakota witnessed. I will be going on tour with him here shortly to see how he does this. It will help me to adequately write from that perspective. You know this is a massive undertaking and it will take me a great deal of time to disseminate it. He does not see himself like the rest of the world does. He is an Icon and a Rock Superstar. We have not set a time frame yet, but will probably do so in 6-12 months when I can asses how long it is going to take to put together. We need to find a publisher and I don't think that will be a problem. You are going to help there. I'm sure when this hits, the offers will come flooding in. So there you have it. Does this make you day?" At first, Jon is gobsmacked. He was speechless and stared at me blankly. I snapped my fingers in Jon face and said, "Jon, are you in there!" He came to and said, "WOW, you were not kidding that you were giving me something better than last nite. This is a career changing article you dropped right in my lap. Gigi, you are the perfect person to do this. You two have a history and you already have so much to begin with. I know you have been his friend for a very long time. I am happy he asked you to do it. You will do it justice." I said, "See, I told you. You don't need to lower yourself to gossip columnist. Speaking of which, I need you to keep CJ in check, can you do that?" He nodded yes. I went on and said, "Jon, now I'm going to give you the stuff I need you to help me with to keep out of the press for now. OK?" He emphatically says, "Yes, I'll do what ever I have to for a story like this. Tell me what you need done." I gathered my thoughts and figured where to start. OK got it. I said, "Jon, you know Prince and I have been friends for a very long time, almost 30 years. (he nods yes.) I know all his personal and private things that have not been publicized or shared. I know where all the skeletons are so to speak. He nods again. This week has been something else for both him and I. We have discovered we are madly in love with each other. (Jon jumps up and cheers and comes to hug me.) I said, that is what I need you to keep under wraps. Jon, sit, please sit. Here's what I'm going to do. Not only are you getting the story of a lifetime, you are going to get more. If you help me, which I know you will, you will get this story as well. (Jon can hardly contain himself) I know as a journalist myself, you cannot keep it all out of the press. You can sanitize it and run interference for me and keep CJ in check, that I know you can do. Can you do this for me?" "He says, you got it! Anything you want me to do, I'll do it and help you as much as I can on the sideline." I continue to say, "Jon, I do not know where this is going, that's why I am going on tour with him to see if I can handle this lifestyle. Either way it ends up, you get the exclusive. He jumps up and comes over to hug me. He says, "Gigi, I'm so elated for you. You deserve to be happy. I hope it works out." I said,"Jon while I am on tour with him, you know the rumor-mill will be buzzing. That is where you come in. Every time you see something, try to put it in check. I know you cannot catch it all, but what you can do will cloud it enough for us. OK?" He said he can and will do what needs to be done. No worries there. I said, "Jon this was a very hard decision to make to have you come here but it needed to be done after his little stunt on stage last nite. (Shaking my head) You deserve this and I know you will do it justice. You know I have my hands full with him and the way he is. I just wanted our privacy for awhile longer and he just blew it right then and there. Jon I have to tell you, he is really different than I've ever seen him before. He really is changing and for the better. He is evolving into a better person. Please know that. His days of wild are over and I really love the man I see now. So are we good?" Jon hugs me again and says, "Gigi, you have my trust and integrity. I will not do anything to betray you. Just like you have never betrayed him. I respect you for that." I said, "One more thing, Would you send me your article prior to publication so I can look it over and approve it?" He said, "No problem." I stopped at the reception area and wrote down my cell and email and handed it to Jon. He hugged me again and said, "Gigi, don't worry about one thing. I have your back this time. Trust that." I said, "I do Jon, that is why you are here."He then said, "Enjoy yourself and be happy. He is going to take you on the magic carpet ride of your life. I will be in contact with you soon." Thanks Jon. I know I'm in for a real treat. You take care buddy and we parted ways.

 You take care buddy and we parted ways

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