Downtime London-Prince POV

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Downtime-Prince POV

I enjoyed spending time with my love in London. We did venture out some to take in the sights, but I needed to make sure she rested enough to recover from her injuries. We established a bit of a routine. Daily she rested in the afternoon while I did soundchecks or recorded in a studio here. I love the studios in London; the sound is so different than I get back home. When I would return, we would either go out for dinner or have dinner in. Depending on the day, if it was a non-performance day, we would go to a show or club and take in the nightlife. Of course, on performance days, she would attend my shows. I did not do any after shows, preferring to spend all of my free time with her. We enjoyed some good down time together including our sexy time. She is so sensuous, I simply cannot resist her.

The paparazzi has been relentless. We've both had it with the persistent hounding. She and her bodyguard had an minor incident while out shopping, Gigi held her ground, playing them to get what she wanted. I was concerned when she told me what she did, but she knew what she was doing and with Zada, I knew she was safe.

I returned from the studio a little earlier than usual one day and as I put the key in the door, I could hear beautiful guitar playing coming from inside. I thought at first it was a recording, but much to my surprise, it was G playing- creating a glorious sound. I stood back, concealed in the foyer to listen for a little while. I had no idea she could play guitar like that! When she stopped, I applauded her playing. I told her how beautifully she played, asking if she played by ear. She nodded yes. Oh my lord! I need to find out what else she can do; it's quite obvious she's got some talent. I knew she could play a little, but not anything like this. And I offered to teach her to play. Who knew?

I sit with her then she asked how long I'd been watching. I told her 'long enough, and it was beautiful.' She takes my sheet music from the coffee table, hands it to me and proceeds to play it from memory. OMG! She even added a chord that was missing. I had been struggling with this song. She tells me she can also read music. Apparently my wife has been keeping this secrets from me. But why? Immediately she apologizes profusely for altering my music. I did not understand at all. What I couldn't find to complete it, she did.  I told her to never apologize for creating something so beautiful.

She looks a little tired so I ask her if she rested. She had not really so I insisted she get some rest now. She is being playful; now I will have to try to resist her advances. She finally settles down to rest. I went to change, hearing her yell, "Naked! I want you naked". Walking back into the room, NAKED, I saw she has her hand over her face. Thinking something might be wrong she tells me she is just watching my swagger. God knows I'll never get tired of my wife admiring my body! I thought I'd try to find out more about her musical abilities. She asks me if I have a 12 string guitar. Where did that come from? A 12 string.....really? I don't play one often, but she is offering to show me her skills. I couldn't wait until we got home to hear that so I zipped out of bed to order one be delivered to the room as soon as possible. She even dictated the style and brand. Lordy, she is turning me on with that now. I have to calm down- I want to see how she plays. Yeah, she's being funny now, 'shushing' me so she can rest. Uh huh, I see how you are wife!

She gets about an hours sleep before the 12 string arrives. I get her up, leading her to it. Her eyes light up at the sight of this gorgeous instrument. She takes it to the sofa and strums the strings. What a great sound it has, permeating the room. I am excited to hear her play. And play she does; one great song after another. I could not figure why she did not pursue music. She has such a unique and wonderful talent. She tells me she did it for fun in college, fun and pocket money.

I see she is getting serious with this next song. I recognize the chords when she closes her eyes to sing, singing "There is Love". Boy, that choked me up. She played that straight from the heart, putting so much emotion into it- her heart is speaking to me, communicating the words directly to my heart! Transcendence and surreal. All I could do was kiss her and praise her. It was so lyrically poignant and beautifully played. She keeps strumming and picking, handling that guitar like a pro. I love how it soars to fill the room with the beautiful sound it resonates. 

I feel she's got another one, directing her attention towards me.  She is transfixed, looking into my eyes, drawing me in to her with this song, "First Time Ever I Saw Your Face", putting her heart and soul into it. Oh yes, she is singing about how she feels about me, and I feel myself tear up at the powerful message she is communicating to me. She is looking down, holding her head as the tears spill down. I take the guitar from her to encompass her in my arms, telling her how much I love her, and that I'm amazed by her skill. I need to know more- I feel this is not all of it, that she is holding back. I plead with her to tell me what else she plays. She shakes her head no. I ask her again, please tell me? I know there is much, much more........

She wants a glass of wine. When alcohol is involved, she's generally spills it. I can hardly wait, but she makes me promise to leave it alone and I do. For now. I ask her if she wants to just guzzle it down straight from the bottle, she's done it before! She tells me that it's not that bad; just a little thing, like she is a classically trained pianist! Oh, and she plays all keyboards. I'll be damned, that is some secret! My dream come true would be to make music with my wife. She explains though that she is done with it and chooses to leave it buried. I beg her to at least jam with me. Reluctantly she agrees but only under specific terms; I can live with that. Maybe I can help boost her confidence, encouraging her to play, I'll just need to move slowly because right now, she's adamant about not wanting to. Such a beautiful gift should be shared- with the world if possible, but I understand she may only ever share it with only me. Time will tell if I can get her to do more.

I asked her to play piano for me. Just watching her warm up is exhilarating. Her hands glide, perfectly poised over the keys then playing with such finesse. Having a little fun, she plays a rif of everyone knows, starting with 'Heart and Soul'. I find her style breathtaking, even on this simple melody. She tells me to 'brace myself', that she might blow me away. I don't know about all that... it takes a lot to impress me. She starts into Diamonds and Pearls. I was hesitant to sing but it IS her favorite song. I couldn't even believe how powerfully she sang her part. I have never heard that voice before! She then went right into Nothing Compares 2U, nailing it again. That voice- her vocal range is incredible........outstanding!

She ask if she blew my mind; well she always does, but this time she really knocked it out of the ballpark. Her song choices touched me, heart and soul. I thought I was going to cum in my pants. What a turn on. She sealed the deal playing The Ladder- TOO hot! To finish up she 'took us to church' and I am gobsmacked.....amazing! I could hold back no longer; I kissed her so hard we nearly fell off the bench backwards. She has no idea how she does what she does other than if she hears it, she can play it. What a remarkable, precious gift she has and is, and oh how I love her. God keeps showing me how truly perfect she is for me.  Perfection at its finest!

Time to get her in bed to rest. She did not get adequate sleep today and I have to ensure she does not have any setbacks. Of course, I'm hoping we can have some 'tub-time' but she is not feelin it,  being pitiful and asking me instead for a massage- even her fingers are sore. Aw, Baby played her heart out. I had to make her feel better. Giving her a massage is so seductive to me, I can hardly contain myself. I ask her if she is wet, though I already know she is. Helping her on her knees because this angle allows easy access to her heaven... to taste her. Um, um, um. She came all over me, like the uncorking of a fine bottle of champagne. 

She was less vocal than normal- maybe I need to give her more. I have to feel her around me so I get on my knees stroking her fast and hard until we came, together. Still, she was quiet, just a few subtle grunts and moans. I want to hear her sexy voice screaming my name! I ask if I was adequate only to find out she was muffling her screams of passion with a pillow because her throat is sore. It is such a turn on for me, her screams, so you can bet I made that happen in the bath and again during our other 'tub-time' massage. In fact, she screamed so loudly, I thought I was going to cum without her! Needless to say, we had a very satisfying bath experience. I told her she needed to rest tomorrow because... well, as you can see, she got very little of it today. I love holding her when we go to sleep, always feeling her love flow through me. As is our custom now, I sing her to sleep. We both sleep peacefully in the joy and happiness of our love.   

A/N-Please remember to vote! I appreciate all your thoughts and comments. Thanks for your continued support and love. It is for you I write this story for your enjoyment. Send me a little love to let me know you care. Remember-Purple Love!

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