Turks and Cacos Prince POV

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I wake up and she's gone!Where is she? I get out of bed and go to the balcony and quickly spot her on the beach. There she is Standing there like a goddess looking out to sea. As I gaze down at her beauty I think, WOW! What a week. I could have never imagined what was in store for me. I love her so much and my whole being is just wrapped up in her. She gives me peace and tranquility. I cannot imagine my life without her in it. Please God, let her say yes. Yes God, I'm listening. I have to be patient. I know all good things come to those who wait. I am waiting and hopefully she will agree to be with me for the rest of my life. I am not going to ask her what she's going to do with my heart. It will come to me when the time is right. I know it will. I trust you, God.She is so beautiful and what a mind she has. She loved me like I've never been loved before. She was right, we needed this time to enjoy each other. I hate being separated from her even now and I want to run down there and be with her. It is good to watch her now though. I wonder, is she thinking the same things I am? Is she happy? She appears to be. She is really relaxed and comfortable to be with. I just give myself to her when I with her. We have laughed, and played and really enjoyed this time alone. She is a deep thinker and stimulates my mind beyond what anyone has ever done before. I guess that is what has connected us over all these years. I don't care what she looks like. She is not like any other that has taken my fancy before. It is her mind and that beautiful soul that attracts me the most. She loves me for me. And that funky body is just along for the ride. When I see her, I see her as one HOT mama and that is all I care about. I don't care what others think. What more could I ask for? She always has been there for me and I know she will not leave me. For the first time in my life, I know I will not be abandoned and left alone. I guess that is why I am acting the way I am now that she is with me. I always had to protect myself and now, don't need to. She will protect me now. She is one fierce protector. Now, I can be just me. What I've always wanted to be and she gave that to me. I think now I am finally free of the chains that bound me up and made me the way I was. I like the new me. I think this is what I was ment to be.I needed her to make that happen. God, I of all people, know you work in strange ways, but this one is out of the world. The sex with her is transcendent. I have never felt it like I have with her. She just sends me to another place and time. Thank you for sending her to me  and thank you helping me find my way home to her.  OH, she has turned around and sees me gazing at her. I wave to her and go running off to be with her. I meet her ½ way. I take her and hug her as ask, "How do you feel my Love?" She answers, "I feel loved. What more can I want?" She is so beautiful inside and out. I am truly blessed. I take her by the hand and we walk around the gardens. She is happy and so am I. I tell her, let's get something to eat. I have some plans for today. She says OK, let go back and discuss today. So we get back to the house and fix some breakfast. We sit down to eat and just could not resist just hugging her tight and kissing her passionately. She says to me, "Sweetheart, I love you and that is all that matters." Let's figure what to do today, OK? I know she  loves to shop and after this,  it is going to be awhile before she will feel like it so I decided to indulge her before we go back. We get dressed and head out to go shopping. Kirk is driving and says, "Where  to boss?" So I told him where to take us. She turns and says to me,a jewelry store?" I said yes, I want to indulge you today and please let me. I need to spoil my baby." She agrees. She is so easy  going and I'm sure she will love what I saw there before this trip. I hope it is still there. She says, "Are we going to be mobbed here?"  I said, "No they pretty much leave me alone. That is why I bought the house." We called ahead and the store has been cleared so we will be there alone. We pull up and Kirk gets us out and in with out anyone noticing. There it is, just were I left it. I take her over to the showcase and show her what I want to buy for her. She just gazed  at it. It is a diamond and amethyst necklace, earrings and bracelet set, mostly diamonds. I know she is a diamond girl so this should be just want she would like. She just looked at me and said, "You don't have to buy this for me." I said, "I want to." I know you love it so we have to have it for you. It is you." She says, OK."Score" she likes it. I found a ring I like so mission accomplished. I tell her, let's go down here and see what else we can find. I take her to this boutique and as soon as I come in, they lock the door. We are alone again. She just stands there looking around. I tell her, "Go Baby, look around". She finds an outfit I just love. So we get her a hat, a purse and shoes to match. WOW! She is  going to be HOT in that outfit.   I can't wait to see her in it.   It is time to look for something to eat. I take her down the street to a  cafe and we sit down. She says to me, "Are you sure you want to sit out here and be exposed to everyone?" I said, "Baby, I don't care, I am with you and that's what is important. Trust me, they will leave us alone. I've been here before and nothing has ever showed up in the press." She then says, "But were you with a lady friend?  "I give her my side eye and say, "Baby don't worry about it. Enjoy  the view." She is sitting there in a beautiful sun dress. The short time we have been here, and the little time we have actually been outside, her skin has turned this beautiful shade of light caramel.  Ymmm, she is gorgeous and looks stunning sitting here next to me with that wide brimmed hat and sunglasses on. I just love taking in her radiance. She is so pretty. We order our food, and we eat a relaxed meal watching the street and several passer by's stop and look at us and I'm sure it dawns on them who they are looking at, but I don't  care anymore. No one has attempted to take our picture but if they are close, I will tell them not now. I have to protect her. I need to get her back home. I text Kirk to come pick us up. We check out of the cafe and head toward the car. She is so happy. We are walking arm and arm down the street. We get in the car and head home. She put sher arms around me and whispers in my ear, "Thank you for my presents. I love them all." I said, "Baby, I love to spoil you. I am happy to indulge you." She is gushing with a glowing radiance.  "I cannot wait to get her back home. I kiss her and hold her in my arms. Shortly we arrive back home. We go in and it is all I can do to not take her right now. She turns to me and says, "What do you want to do now?" That was it, I grabbed her and we flew upstairs throwing clothes off as we go and land in bed. I could not help myself. This was a fast one but we can have a slow love later. I  have to have her and I had to have her now. She was good about it and she  did have a good time and we were both satisfied. As we lay there  afterwards, I look at her and just can not stop wanting her. There she is, just laying on me and she is still breathing heavy. I know she is still high, I need to slow this down. I know she is mine. She  has given me everything I have ever wanted. I can hardly wait till she has her surgery. I know it is going to be hard on her. I am ready. I will do what I need to do. I am going to take care of her  just like I sing about. I hope she does not think I am doing this for me. I am doing this for her. She is worried though I can see it in her face when we talked about it. She wants it to be all good. I  believe she is happy about the tummy-tuck. She never thought that would be a bonus for her. Doesn't matter to me, I like her curves.  I'm going to miss giving her kisses on that belly. It will help her feel better about herself and that makes me happy. Tomorrow is going to be hard to leave. We have to get back early so she can prepare for surgery so I'd better make the most of tonite as I can. She is so, so beautiful. She is awake and looks up at me and says, "That was wonderful. I think we ought to make use of that pool down there.  "We have been here all week and that beautiful pool has not been used once. What do you think?" It is getting dark and we need to eat. I say, "Let's grab something to eat and have dinner by the pool. We can swim after that." She says,"That will work." I say, "No swimsuits tonite Baby." She says, "That's what I was thinking." So we grab our robes and head down. I pick out dinner and she is sitting on the pool veranda. We eat and get into the pool. That pool sex was the most awesome sex I've had in water. She is really tuned in to me as I am to her. WOW! We head upstairs and love on each other the rest of the evening. It  was a beautiful night.

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