Chapter 10-Dakota Jazz Club(2)

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Chapter 10-Dakota Jazz Club

I am showered, shaved and all dolled up. I'm dressed and this dress is amazing. I love, love,love it. The shoes are great, they have tiny stacked heels on them so I won't tower over him should we be together for a photo-op.Besides, at this age, I just walk better in low heels. The days of stiletto heels are gone. That train left the station a long time ago,but I still have them. It is almost 5 so I'd better head downstairs.As I go along towards the staircase, I look over the railing. There he is, smack dab in the middle of the atrium. This time he is hopping and kinda dancing around. I can hear him humming. I know the minute I hit the ground floor, he is going to hear the heels I have on, so brace yourself. God help me get through this now. I have to do this. Make me strong Lord. You have my attention. So, here we go down the steps. I just glided down without effort. These shoes are great.Fit like a glove and so comfortable. I hesitate on the last step and take a deep breath. I can do this. Keep it together. Now or never.Here I go. Sure enough, the heels click and I know as soon as I round the bend, he's going to be there to greet me. Right o on cue, there he is. He just froze, motionless and just gazing at me like he did earlier in wardrobe. Without thinking I snapped my finger and said,  "Snap outta that, you have a show to do tonight". He then put both hands to his face and went, Um, Um, Um, Baby you look stunning. I don't know if I'm going to make it uptown. I kept it together and said, "Yes you are, you will have plenty of time afterwards with me." I just had to take charge or it was going to be disastrous. He then leaned into me and whispered in my ear. "Baby wait till I get you back here, later. You ain't seen nothing yet!" I then said,  "Are you threatening me? Hum? He said, "Baby don't get me started." I said "OK, let's go eat." We get to the kitchen and some of the band is there taking in some supper. They stand, wolf whistle and cheer. I know I was blushing. I just walked in there with the man, my man, like I owned it. It felt like I had a shirt on that said: "I'm fucking him tonight, so don't mess with me!" One of the girls jumped up and hugged me whispering in my ear, "Girl you have him, he is yours!" I sat down and our dinner was covered. I asked what it was, and he lifted the cover to a beautiful dinner.Lasagna and a small side salad. There was wine already poured so I hope I can do this. I am allergic to dry wines with sulfides so this better be sweet. I check, yep it was sweet. OK, does this count, I've gotten flowers, jewelry, chocolates now I'm being wined and dined in a brand new custom made outfit. I lean carefully over the table and whisper so the others don't hear me. "You truly are a hopeless romantic." He just gushed with that smile ear to ear. Good thing others were there or mad sex would have happened right there and then. I see my wrist corsage is on the table so I don't forget it. It is beautiful and matches my dress. We eat and he eats too. I told Ray I'd keep an eye on him but no worries, he chowed down. He snaps his finger and tells the band to get going. Ray comes and clears the table. The crew mills out and I knew he has something up his sleeve. He pulls out two jewelry boxes. One bigger than the other. He hands them over to me and says, "Go ahead babe, open them up." I slowly open the bigger box first. It is a beautiful double strand Diamonds and Pearls necklace. I gasped. He said, open the other box." It was a matching bracelet. Now he knew what he was doing. Diamonds and Pearls is probably my favorite song and he knows it. He had this specially made. I don't know how he did it that fast, but he did.They were beautiful. I could hardly contain myself, but I managed. He got up to put them on me. Then he had me stand up. He stepped back and just said, "Now it is completely perfect, just like you."I struggled to hold back the tears and I did. A couple leaked out but I did not want to mess up my makeup job. I hugged him and whispered in his ear, thank you they are beautiful  He then said, "we have to go, I don't want to keep them waiting". So we headed out to the car. This time it was the Bentley sedan, Kirk was waiting. He was driving us tonight. Kirk was all smiles and greeted me like he has never done before. He said, "You look beautiful tonight Gigi. Boss is going to have a awesome show. Hope you enjoy it." We loaded up and Kirk zipped us off to the club. We were only about 20 minutes away but P leaned up to Kirk and said, "Put your headphones on buddy."So Kirk picked up noise canceling headphones and put them on. I asked what was going on. He then told me, Kirk is a good guy but what I have to say to you he does not need to hear.  I'm like OK whatever. He then turned to me, picked up my hands and said, Gigi, I love you. I love you with my heart, my body, my soul, my mind, with my whole being. You hold my heart in your hands right this minute and what you choose to do with it is up to you. I want you 4ever in my life. That did it. My eyes started to well up and felt my control was slipping away. He softly cupped my face and said, "Baby don't cry, it will mess up your pretty face. You don't have to answer me now. I just wanted you to know." I shook my head in agreement because there were no words going to come out. Then in that baritone deep voice he screamed, BREATHE G BREATHE. I snapped out of it quick. All I could do is wrap my arms around him and hug him tight. I then whispered in his ear softly, I love you, I always have. Kirk then announces we are almost there, Boss. Prince now pulls me away and says, "Let me look at you, we have to make sure you did not mess up that pretty face."He just gazed into my eyes and I gazed back. Kirk announces, we are here. He then says we are going in the back, I have a dressing room so if we have to fix anything we can but, you look stunning. Kirk opens the door for us and we jet out into the building. The band is lined up the halls and cheer when we arrive. As we negotiate the narrow hall way, band members are slapping him on the shoulder. I just took deep breaths. I had to keep C-O-O-L. And there was Morris,He grabbed me and picked me up off the floor. He said, you've got him babe, take your man. We got to his dressing room and he closed the door. He sat me down in a comfortable chair. He knelt down and said, 'tonight babe this one is for you.' He gets up and picked out his outfit for the first set. He just disrobed right before me. God what a beautiful man. That boy is not shy about anything!!  He put his pants on and you guessed it, no underwear. He puts his shirt and jacket on and he looked just gorgeous. He turned to me and ask, "You like it babe" I shook my head yes. Just in time, there's a knock on the door and a voice says, 2 minutes. He picked up my hand and said"Let's go!" When we enter the hallway, it is now clear. The band is on stage warming up. He takes me down to the side stage and there's guy with a clipboard. He says to me, "This is Jim, if you need anything find him." Jim looks me over and I say I'm Gigi glad to meet you. So Jim takes me up on the side stage where a few in the audience can see me, and sits me down on this love-seat. He bends over and says, so you are the gal the buzz is all about. I just said,probably so. He turned and headed back to his post. The small crowd is going wild. Then the cue for him to come out. He brushes by me,bends down and steals a kiss and strolls out to front and center. I have a perfect view of him up close. Not as close as last night but close. The only ones closer were the band members. They start with the first song and I am lost in it. It was so beautiful. He continues and when he get to the sample set, his piano is right next to me so I am super close. He plays and keeps his eyes on me. I was enjoying it so much, I did not want him to stop. When that is done, he comes right over to me and gives me a kiss. I hope nobody saw that because it was a doozie. I looked down and Mr Happy was at full attention. I just hoped the crowd could not see that. He did not care he was full of himself and joyful. When he got back out front he was dancing and singing like he was in the Atrium earlier today and Mr Happy was right there. This set was really short, like a little over an hour. He came back and grabbed my hand and said, Come on mama! I had no idea where we were going. We went up this back staircase to a VIP section. We snaked thru to a private table and he said we're going to chill here until the next show. This was really cozy and very private. As we sat there I put my hand on his crotch, yep Mr Happy was at attention. He looked at me and said, "now mama, don't start something we can't finish" so I took my hand away but not totally, I just rested that hand on his thigh. I got the side eye from him so I said, how long till the next show. He says about an hour.  I thought, humm, and hour is plenty of time, thinking to myself. P looks over at me and says, "What's on your minds baby. I can see the wheels turning." I go and hour huh? He says yesssss. I say, "is your dressing room available". Without thought, in a nano second, he he jumps up, gabs my hand and drags me off to the dressing room. He was moving so fast I felt like it was Tarzan dragging Jane off to the cave. We got there and before the door was shut and locked, his pants were off and he flung himself into the chair, sitting there in all his Princeliness smiling from ear to ear.  Well, that was just special now wasn't it? I softly said, now you have to be quiet, we don't want anyone to hear us.  He nodded yes. That did not take long at all, he was willing and able and let's just say he was left very satisfied. He grabbed me to sit in his lap. I sat down and he embraced me and said, "I'll give you till forever to stop doing that, like that!" I said OK, deal. He then stroked my face running his hand down my jawline. He said, you are so beautiful. What did  I do to have you grace my presence? I said nothing it is just ment to be, you know? He said, 'I can hardly wait to get you back home. If you thought last night was good, wait till you see what I have for you tonight'. I just gazed into those beautiful eyes. They are mesmerizing and I just get lost in them. All of a sudden, he smacks my butt and says get up, I need to get ready for the next show. So, I peal myself off of him and he picks out his next outfit. This one is shinny and really pretty. I love it. He puts it on and turns around and says,"Like?" I shook my head yes. He motions for me to come over to his table. I get up and head over. He has me sit down and look up at him. He, goes, let me touch this up a bit. I shut my eyes and he puffs and buffs me back up so I look good again. He puts my lipstick on with a brush and says, rub your lips together. I do as commanded and then run my tongue seductively across them. He says, "Baby stop that, I have a show here in a few minutes." I open my eyes and he looks like he is ready to pounce on me. I pulled him down and kissed his pursing lips. Wow, that warmed me to my core. Timing was perfect as just as we parted, a knock came on the door, 2 minute warning. He said 'you ready baby?' I said yep, 'let's roll.' I quickly get to the love-seat and the set begins. Little did I know, "Satisfied" was in that set. The set was rolling along and it was a lot of instrumentals so he came back and would sit a couple minutes with me and go back out. He was showing off the band and letting them have some of the limelight. Plus, it gave him extra time to make over me.  They get to "satisfied" and he comes back with the microphone and I'm thinking this is not going to be good. He sits down on the loves-eat and says to me watch this. He starts singing and the crowd goes wild. They cannot see him or me, but they can hear him. They had to be wondering where he was and they had no idea he was singing it to me. I just looked at him in the eye and lost myself. When it was over, he leaned over and kissed me and said, after the next one, be ready to go as soon as I get back here. Pecked me on the cheek and  went back front and center. Does the last song heads my way and grabs my hand and we are outta there. He stormed down the hall way and Kirk was waiting with the car door open. We jumped in and he sped off.This time all he said was, "Kirk". Kirk said 'I have them ready Boss', so he put on the headphones. He then looked over at me and said, "Baby are you ready for tonight?" I shook my head yes. He asked if I had thought about what he said earlier. I just let my eyes wander sideways and my head turned slightly, he cupped my face and pulled it back toward him. He said, "Baby you tell me when you are ready. I have all the time in the world. Nothing is going to change and I am not going to leave. Please know that." I just collapsed into his arms. I fought back the tears but it was not working. He just pulled me up and said, "Baby please don't cry, I love you and it tears me up when you do this" I am not pressuring you for an answer, I just want you to know where my heart is. OK?" I nodded yes. He took me back in close and just held me tight. He took his free hand and started rubbing the back of my neck. Stoking my hair at the nape. That just sent tingling all the way down to my core. I moaned and he whispered in my ear, "Am I turning you on, babe?" I nodded, he kept doing it till Kirk announced we were almost there. Next thing I knew, we were back to Paisley. This is going to be a very long night and I am emotionally drained. The cool January air is brisk but not too cold. We stand in the moonlight and he motions for Kirk to leave. He puts his arm around me and says, 'look out there. I want to have someone in my life to share all this with. Isn't it beautiful?' He says, can we take a walk? I said, "sure." We head out to St Ann's Park across the road. We walk the path and go under the highway. He has his arm around me and we saunter over. He says, You know I love all this. It is as beautiful as you. He stops and cups my face in his warm hands. He kisses me and I warm up instantly. He says,' let's head back.' He knew exactly what to do. The cool air cleared my head. I was feeling much better and more energized. I think this is gonna be a beautiful night.    


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