Springtime in Paris

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We are staying at the Four Season George V Hotel. After arriving in the beautiful penthouse, we finally got some sleep. He has an early appointment, telling me he would be back in the afternoon. I agreed to meet Jacques for lunch today. It works out great because Bonnie and Steve will be arriving tomorrow. I told my husband I had a few things I needed to do before Bonnie and Steve arrived, leaving it at that. Jacques suggested I meet him for lunch down the street from the hotel at a cafe we both love, and is conveniently located. James escorted me down to the cafe where I then dismissed him. I told him I would be fine on my own at this point, I did not need his services further. I informed him that I would text him if or when I needed him

When I entered the cafe, Jacques was there eagerly awaiting me. He suggested since it was such a gorgeous day, we enjoy our lunch outside on the patio. We were taken to a table, out of the way, so we could have a private conversation. I'm very happy to have this time to reminisce with him. In spite of our tragic past, we did have a lot of good and happy moments to help outweigh the bad times.


James called to inform me that Gigi was on her own and had dismissed him. He was concerned for her safety in Paris, leaving her alone at a cafe. Rather than argue with her, he called me for instruction. I was finishing up my business for the day and told him I would take care of it. I had my driver take me to the cafe to see why she wouldn't want security. She has spent a lot of time in Paris in the past so I'm sure she just feels comfortable here. She speaks the language fluently, removing barriers for her. 

When we pulled up to to the cafe, I could clearly see her from the car; she was with him... Frenchie. I had the driver idle there while I observed her. She is happily laughing and smiling; then see him take her hand across the table. Her head falls, looking into her lap. When she looks up at him she appears to have tears in her eyes, using her index finger to brush them away. To my eyes, something very intimate has occurred between my wife and this... this french bastard!

How can she betray me this way? Frenchie stands, still holding her hand and pulls her up into an embrace. I've seen more than enough! She has deceived me, seeing him without telling me. They leave the cafe and walking away from the hotel. Where could they be going? I have the driver follow them, furious and devastated . They stroll, with his arm around her, to a church a couple blocks away. When they enter, disappearing from sight, I tell the driver to take me back to the hotel. 

 Quickly, I pack up a few things and head out to the airport. Sheila is in NYC; I book the private jet to take me there. She has been a dear friend for years, always there for me. I need someone I can trust, someone I can talk to right now because I am so angry and infuriated! How could I ever forgive her for this ? I knew she had something going on with that man, I just knew it.


After spending the afternoon with Frenchie, he walks me back to the hotel. We shared some laughs as well as some tears. All in all, it was time well spent. I take my leave in the lobby, telling him I would see him at the concert in a few days. When I get to the penthouse, my husband is not here as he should be. I text him to see where he is, no answer. I text Kirk, no answer. I check my email to see if he sent a message, but nothing in my in-box. 

I continue to clear my messages, read the paper and wait for a couple hours; it is getting late- he should have been here by now. Finally, I call James. "Hi James, where's P and Kirk?" "Gigi, I don't know. I texted Kirk about dinner and he did not answer his text. Do you need someone to go to dinner with?" "James, I am trying to find my husband. Do you have any idea where he is?" "No ma'am, your guess is as good as mine. Do you want me to come up to the penthouse?" "No James, I'll text you if I need you. If you hear from either of them, please let me know. Steve and Bonnie are coming in tomorrow, will you go with the driver to the airport to pick them up, please?" 

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