Minor Adjustment/Part 2

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He wakes me from my nap, "Baby, let's take a shower." "Call the nurse Sweetheart and make sure it's alright." He pinged the nurse and she said it was just fine and wanted to know if we needed help. He told her we were good and we got up to get ready for nite-nite. I packed a pair and a sexy spare of nightgowns and he has a nite shirt with pants, a set of silk PJs along with a tunic set. So we should be alright if we have to stay over tomorrow which looks highly likely. We shower and like all showers, wash you, wash me, pleasure you, pleasure me, finally clean. We have a waterproof type bandage, so no worries. Lotion ritual paying attention to all the sweet spots along the way. We help each other back in bed. The TV is on with sound muted and he turns the sound up. Yep, looks like we will be stuck here, the late news is telling people to stay off the roads unless it is an emergency. "Sweetheart, looks like we'll be camped out here tomorrow. That snow is not letting up till tomorrow morning." He texted Kirk and the same at home. 

Checking the channel guide, there is a movie coming on that he thought we might like to watch. I told him it was alright with me. Since we left all our jewelry at home, I put on my new earrings with my lavender paisley nightgown. I look really good for being in the hospital. He notices that I have them on, "Baby, your earrings look really pretty on you. I wished I could be taking you out tonight for dinner to celebrate" "Sweetheart, it's was a good idea that we celebrated when we were on the yacht. That week was so special for us and it was perfect to dedicate our journey with each other. I will cherish that time forever. Well sweetie, let me see what I can do for us tonight." I call down and order a light snack from food service. This is great, they have round the clock food service. I even ordered popcorn for the movie. I told him I'll be right back and got some money out of my purse. He is watching me with wonder in his eyes. "I'll be back in a flash Sweetheart." Down the hall I go, in the employee lounge was a vending machine so I went there and got two crunch bars for him and a kit-kat for me. When I came back, I tossed the candy on the bed, 'Happy Anniversary Sweetheart'. He was so excited, just beaming. "Baby, thank you, this is great! We will be all ready for the movie when it starts." The popcorn and snack arrived. I took the snack to the kitchenette and put it in the fridge, picked out two fruit drinks so we are good to go. I had an LED candle in my suitcase and brought it back with me. I lit the candle and set it on the bed-tray, turning off all the lights. He is just smiling and beaming at me. It amazes me it takes so little to make him really happy. I draw up my nightgown to crawled in bed and he helped pull me into him. Wrapping his arms around me, showering me in kisses, "Baby, this is fantastic. You can make anything better! Umm, you look so beautiful tonight. These are some of the things you do that make you so beautiful to me. I love you." Aw Sweetheart, thank you. I love you." I cozied up to him and the movie is ready to start. Well, I did not make to the end of the movie and fell asleep with him holding me in his arms. When I feel his love and peace flow through me, it is so intoxicating and relaxing, I just speed off to sleepytown.

I wake up and he's holding me tightly. I love this feeling and being with him. I look over to the window and see it's still snowing. "Sweetheart, how much snow do we have so far?" "Baby, they say like 7-8 inches and expecting more." I nuzzle into his neck and kiss him on his neck softly several times. "Sweetheart, I'm cold. Pull up another blanket for me." I'm shivering and try to get as close to him as possible to warm me up. He's like a human hot water bottle. "Hum, Baby. I know just how to warm you up." "I bet you do." "Baby, you don't feel cold to me, are you alright?" I pull my feet up and entwine them around his legs. "Baby, your feet are ice cold, let me warm them up for you." He takes his hands and rubs my feet to warm them up. "Is that better?" "Yes, Sweetheart. I'm starting to warming up now. Thank you." "Hang on a minute, let me get you a pair of socks." He gets out of bed, goes over to his stuff and brings me a pair of wool cashmere socks and puts them on me. "Baby, that'll warm you up. Is that better?" "Those socks are so soft and feels so good. "Yes, Thank you Sweetheart." The nurse is making rounds and checks in on us. "Everything okay in here?" He tells the nurse I'm cold and it does seem cooler in the room. The nurse told us they cut the heat back a couple notches at night. She checked our blood pressure and temperature and said we were doing fine. She's going to bring us a thicker thermal blanket. We get the blanket and just put it on ½ way up and that feels great. "That's much better now Sweetheart. When your feet get cold like that, you are cold all over. I'm finally warming up now. Thank you." "No problem Baby. Your hands and arms are warm. When you get warmed up, I'm gonna make you even hotter." All he has to do is touch me 'there' and I'll have my very own private tropical vacation. It doesn't take much. He's really being tentative to me right now. I'm nuzzled into him and he's kissing my forehead while he is caressing my arm with his hand up the trumpet style sleeve of my nightgown. I just love it when he does this. His hand is so warm, it is so soothing when he does this to me. I could just fall asleep like this. "Baby, I love holding you and feeling all your love right now, I don't want to stop enjoying this moment and time with you. Is it alright if we just soak up each other right now?" "Sure Sweetheart. I love this time with you." I unbutton his night shirt the rest of the way as he is unbuttoning my nightgown so we can feel some skin to skin contact with each other. It's too chilly to get naked so this will have to do. I meld into him and feel all his love. I am toasty warm now and I drift off back to sleep.

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