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At 6:00am sharp the nurse comes in to give me the hospital issue gown to put on. He helps me to the bathroom to change and  when I return, she administers a shot to relax me. She reminds me to remove my rings. I hand them to him to hold for me during surgery and he wraps his arms around me to comfort me until they come to take me away. They arrive on time to take me off to the surgical theater and he stays with me until he has to kiss me goodbye. I am in and out of conscientiousness but I do remember the soft tender kiss he gave me before I left him. I tried to watch over my shoulder until the doors closed and I could not see him anymore, slipping back into unconsciousness. 

 I do not remember anything until wake up in recovery with my Love hovering over me holding my hand. Leaning into me, "Baby,there you are. How do you feel, is it OK to touch you?" as he raises my hand to his lips and lightly kisses. I can barely utter a word and I nod yes. Leaning over the bed, he kisses my forehead and softly takes his hand to my face. "Baby, I've missed you. I won't be leaving you now." My mouth is so dry it feel like a herd of camels ran thru it. "Drink" is all I can faintly say. Turning to a nurse coming to check me, I hear him ask her for some water for me.The nurse informs him, "Not until she gets to the room." The nurse checks my vitals and tells him she's going to get me transported immediately back to the VIP suite. I drift in and out.When I open my eyes, all I see is him. I hear them taking me to the suite but I'm still groggy. I try to talk to him to no avail. My voice is so weak, I just quit trying and slipped back asleep. I wake up in the suite with him wrapped around me. No pain, but I do feel like I've been hit by a bus. He has a death grip on me and I feel my breathing is a struggle. I murmur, "Sweetheart, I'm awake." He was so elated to see into my eyes. He kissed me softly and professed,"I'm so happy to see you. I love you." I respond, "Loosen your grip on me, please." He recognized I was struggled to breathe,"It's not me Baby, it is what you are wrapped up in." I told him to call the nurse. His eyes widened, "It's too tight, I'm having trouble breathing." He called for the nurse to came in and she loosed me up. Taking my vital signs while she was there, remarked I was doing great. He asked her to help him get with me better. I do not know what they gave me, but I feel like silly putty. Now here's as mooth move, they have me pull my knees up to push myself upwards and they have him put his hand on my pelvic bone to pull me up. Right! As soon as he places his hand down there,  I have instantly a private tropical vacation and a tidal wave in my heat which I know he can feel. He goes, "Mmmmmm, Baby, are you OK?" He knows I'm OK, just hotter than July. The nurse sees my face flush and asks if I'm alright? I convey, "I'll be OK here in a minute."  I just soaked his hand and thank god, he did not say anymore with them still around. As soon as the door closes he says, "Baby...." I stop him dead in his tracks and say,"Move-your-hand, now." He says in my ear, "Mumm, my little sex kitten. Can your tom cat play?" Giving him my side eye, "Are you serious?" He laughed and said, "Baby, I'm just messing with you.I'll be good." I quipped, "You'd better be or I'll banish you."He chuckled, "Baby, I would never hurt you. I love you. I know what I can and can't do." I smirk, "Shut up and kiss me you silly fool." He kisses me soft and passionately bringing yet another tidal wave of want and desire. I plead with him, "Can you let me sleep. I need to rest and this is not helping. Please, Sweetheart?"He agrees to leave me alone and just holds me. I drift off with him humming in my ear another new song professing his love for me. Sweet.I wake up a couple hours later and he is watching TV with headphones on, not holding me. I whimper, "Where's my huggie bear?" He can't hear me because of the headphones, I reach out to him. As soon as he sees I'm awake, he scoots over to me fast. He quickly tries to gather me up and is apologizing that he was not with me. "It's OK,I just need to touch you, so I can feel you. You don't have to hold me." He explains, "Baby, I want to hold you. You rolled off of me and I was afraid I'd wake you up, I'd still be with you." He is holding me now and I feel his love and peace course thru me again. I hope he can feel mine. He caresses my face and softly sings to me.It is so calming and comforting. I drift back into a deep sleep.

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