Wedding Announcement

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We left the next day to MPLS and myclothes were there. Yeah! Cathy put them in my closet for me and nowmy closet is as full as his. Feels good to get some of my familiarthings around me. Cathy was a jewel to do that. I have all my thingsset up and now I feel like I'm home. I can't wait to see the look onhis face when he sees my closet. I called Jon Bream and told him ofthe wedding plans. He was thrilled to get the exclusive and happy forme. I told him he had till Wednesday and I was going to release it tothe wires. He did a nice article and I also told him he was on theinvite list. He was more than thrilled. I told Jon he blew it bigtime at SXSW festival and it was just no use to trying to keep itcovered it. He said I was smart in just letting it out instead ofgetting negative publicity on it. I said, that was my thought. So farnothing negative. Other papers and news media were positive. I guessthe good ole boys are doing their job. I called Ray too and told himon Tuesday before I sent it out. Poor Ray is so scared he's got theboys looking out for any negative publicity after the fact. I'll haveto send him an invite too. He kept telling me he and the boys want tomake sure the elephants keep corralled. I told him that was a smartidea. I gave Jon and Ray the book details and they were happy to havethat info. Of course Jon got it earlier than Ray so he was able toget it published before of Ray. But they both did nice articles onthe wedding and book deal. So all was well with the world ofjournalists. We got a ton of well wished all over social media and inprint. Only one negative, Larry Graham. As soon as Larry heard aboutit he came storming over to Paisley to talk to Prince. I just sohappened to be in the Atrium area when he blew in like the TazmainanDevil. He saw me and barked, where's my baby brother? I said, "Wellgood mornin' to you too." In that deep southern draw I drag outwhen I need it with my wicked laugh attached. Yeah, I interviewedhim too before I did Prince and I thought he was a better man thanthis. I said, "Larry, what's got up your crawl?" He huffed at meand that was not a good idea for him to do that. I said, "Larry! Ifyou are going to act this way, I'm going to call security. Can you atleast be civil to me?" He was not having it. He wanted to see himand see him NOW! I told Patrick to call security. Princematerialized. Larry was huffing and puffing they ducked into anoffice. I told Patrick to call security just in case. Patrick wasbewildered and I told him, I'll fill you in later. Even though I wasacross the Atrium from the office, Patrick and I could hear a heateddiscussion ensue. I told Patrick, I would not miss this for theworld. I took a seat in the Atrium and waited till they came out.Now, I've been involved here about 2 months and I have not seen hidenor hair of Larry. He has been totally vacant till now. I did mentionto Prince about Larry when we were in Turks and Caicos to invite himdown but he did not like the idea. He said he would talk to him.Well, evidently not. I will not let Larry get away with how hetreated me so he'd better have his cool on when they get done. Thiswent on for about 30 mins. Larry came out and looked till he foundme and came directly over and profusely apologized to me for hisbehavior. I accepted his apology but not before I gave him a pieceof my mind. I said, "Larry, you were out of line the way you camein here. And you were out of line how you treated me. I would havethought that given the fact you know who I am, you would haverespected me better than you did. I did not deserve that. For a Godfearing man, you had better go ask him for forgiveness rather thanme." That put him to his knees. He ask me again if I would forgivehim for his behavior. I said, "Larry, I will only accept it if Inever see this rude behavior again. Do you understand?" He said hewould never do that again. I said, "Larry, if you do not agree withwhat Prince and I are doing, that is between you and God, not us. Youare not the God designated hitter here. You need to get right withthat." He started spouting some JW crap to me and I stopped him andsaid, "I am not going to get into that with you. Not now, not here,not ever. If you have a problem, go to your Kingdom Hall and discussthat with your elders and God." His whole demeanor changed and hesaid, "Gigi, you are right. I wish you and baby brother the best.This is the first time I've seen him this happy." See I told you. Iput him to his knees on this one. I said I hoped he and Tina couldmake it to the wedding, but he declined. We hugged and he left. Assoon as Larry got out the door, my man comes bouncing thru the lobbyand applauding. He said he was listening to the whole thing. He said,"Let's go over to the little kitchen and talk about it." He tookmy hand and we went in and got some food. We sat down and he washappy for some reason. I said, "So, how did it go with you two? Iguess you saw how it went with me." He said that "Larry was upsetbecause I was going to be shunned by the congregation and we wouldnot be able to socialize or play on stage together anymore. I toldLarry that I talked to them and that would not happen. He insisted itwould. He was also upset that we could not be elders together. Andthen he attacked our relationship." I said, "So what did youtell him." He said, "I told him everything and even though he didnot approve of it, he understood why we are together and gettingmarried. All the yelling was Larry, not me. I was calm and just toldhim. And I told him to apologize to you." I said, "Well, thankyou Sweetheart. I think I handled it well. What do you think?" Hesaid, "I could not believe how Larry just took what you dished out.But you were right and he knew it." I said, "Sweetheart, you haveto question any religion that has someone that acts like this when ahappy occasion is forthcoming. Even the Catholic church does not dothis kind of stuff." He said, "Are you ready to leave?" I said,"YES! I can't wait to get out of here. When are we leaving?" Hesaid, "When do you want to leave?" I said, "Today?" He said,"What time?" I said, "Now?" He said, "Done! Get your bags,Baby, we are out of here."

I am so happy to go back to Turks andCaicos house

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I am so happy to go back to Turks andCaicos house. It is so peaceful and serene there. No drama like this.I am supposed to be retired and trying to keep up with him is work,work. I am relaxed in his arms and we are still sitting at the table.He says, "Baby let's move over to the sofa." I said, "OK." Sowe head over there and I know what's next. This mile high club is soeasy. I said, "Sweetheart, can we spend tonite on the beach?" After a day like today, I need it. He said, "Baby, I'm glad youwant to do that. I was thinking the same thing." He said, "Let'sgo over to the table and talk." OK, so we go over there. He said,"Baby, Larry really stepped over the line. He was trying to make mechoose between you and the church. I could not believe he pulled thatto me. I just told him the affect having you in my life has had andhe accepted it, but I can see my relationship with him will never bethe same. I wanted you to know that I'm right with God and nothing isgoing to change our relationship. I love you and you will forever bein my life. OK?" I said, "Sweetheart, I was not going to let him,or anyone, treat me the way he did. That was unbelievable and he wasflirting with disaster on that. If I were vindictive, I couldretaliate and ruin him with one phone call. I am not. So I handledhim the best way I knew how. But the thought did enter my mind whileI was waiting to talk to him. I realize he loves you and he is justtrying to protect you, but it is not his job and I told him so. I washappy with the result but I'm sad for you to loose him as a longtimefriend." He said, "Baby, don't worry, he'll come around you willsee. I have faith in it. I don't want you to feel bad about it. I'mgood with God and that is all that matters." I said, "Speakingof all this, who are you getting to officiate the wedding?" Hesaid, "I was going to ask you about that." I laughed and said,"That's your department, you are in charge of the arrangements. Iam good with whomever you come up with, OK?" His eyes were lit upand he said, "I know the perfect person. He was trying to be amusician back when I got started and I went to school with him. Hewas not having success as a musician so he became a minister. I havecrossed paths with him over the years and he's a good guy. I think heis a Lutheran minister in St Paul and you had said you were in thatreligion at one time. What do you think? I said, "Fantastic, thatwill work nicely. I will tell you though he will want to council us acouple times prior to the ceremony. Are you good with that?" Hesaid, "I'm good Baby. Don't worry. I'll get in contact with himwhen we go back. I have about all the preparations done. I will showyou what I have when we get to the house." I said, "Good, I wantto show you what little I have. You are so good at this. I'm sureeverything will be perfect." It is time to land and Nancy came outto collected our dinner dishes and prepare us for landing. She gaveus her best wishes. I really like her. She's a great flightattendant. He was so excited to show me the wedding plans. We barelygot into the house and he was taking out all kinds of stuff to showme. He loves doing this so I let him. I learned a long time ago, worksmart. So, he excels at this, so just let him enjoy it.  

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