Paisley Park Maintainence

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First thing Monday morning, I have Patrick come to my office and go over the financials with him. Cash flow is not a problem but needs to be reexamined for future projects. Charlie comes up next to go over the maintenance logs. I discussed with him what needed to be done, and other things around the building that appeared to be neglected. We have a solid game plan to get all this corrected. The next appointment is with my Purple One. I leaned back in my chair and put me feet up on the desk thinking how to approach all this. He's typically late getting to my office; knowing I don't like being kept waiting on him or anyone. The phone rings, "Gigi Nelson, how may I assist you?" On the other end of the line is heavy breathing, I know who it is. "Mr Nelson, you are late. Get yourself up here to my office, please?" 

When I turn around to hang up the phone, he's standing right there watching me. "Hello Sweetheart. Are you ready for what I have for you?" Leaning over to kiss me, "Hum Baby, I'm always ready for that." "Sweetheart, I am too, but this is something we need to discuss first." "Baby, you know how turned on I get when you're in work-mode." "Um-hum, Sweetheart I really need to talk to you like we have never talked before." He sits down and looks at me with concern, "Baby, this can't be all that bad, can it?" I take a deep breath and know exactly where to start, "This is about money. For the first time, we need to discuss the money situation. Paisley takes a lot of money to run and operate. It is a large facility and our home, all 65,000 square feet of it. The HVAC system is over 25 years old and needs replaced with a system that is more fuel efficient and up to code. It is costing annually more to run and keep it going than to replace it. Charlie told you two years ago it needed updated and you told him to just fix it. The maintenance company can't monitor it properly because it is so antiquated, and in a constant state of needing repairs. Sweetheart, this is going to cost over 1M dollars to replace. I spoke to Patrick and there is not near that amount in the operating funds to cover the expense. You generate an incredible amount of money annually, but I do not know your finances well enough to commit that much money to this project. Charlie is in the process of getting 3 estimates from reliable HVAC companies in the area." 

He is staring at me like I have 3 heads. "Sweetheart, are you alright?" He takes a deep breath, "Baby, there is plenty of money. Do it. Get the new system. I just got off the phone with my investor and there are no worries there. You are amazing! You can take on anything and get a resolution so quickly. What else needs to be done?" I give him a sheet of improvements that need attention. "Sweetheart, there are little things I've noticed around here that need updating. For instance, the carpet on the steps. And Charlie tells me the fixtures in the public restrooms need to be replaced. You have spent a lot of money on the performance areas, but I think the atrium needs new furniture. The sofa's are getting threadbare and look a bit ratty. This spring I'm going to have the roof looked at because Charlie said it's keeps springing leaks here and there. This is going to add up. Is the money there to move forward with everything I've laid out on that sheet?" He is looking over my proposal of expenditures for the building maintenance and improvements. He looks up at me and smiles, "Baby, I don't see any problem with this. Do what is necessary to keep Paisley up and running smoothly." "Sweetheart, one last thing. You know Charlie is getting older and he will be retiring soon. He asked me to take over the management of the building, but wants to stay on to oversee everything as he has for the last 20 years. I told him I would ask you to approve me managing the building." His eyes light up and dance with excitement. 

Basically, I'll be managing Charlie; my husband will listen to me when issues arise rather than being dismissive of Charlie. I can do this for him and let him worry about making the money to support it, like he has for the last 27 years. "Baby, that would be fantastic having you oversee all this. I hate those kind of things and you're so good at it. I'd like for you to handle it for me. I love you." "I know you do Sweetheart. I love you too. I will have the estimates before we leave for London. Do you want to look them over before a decision is made or do you want me to just move on it?" "Baby, just do it. I trust your judgement. I am so relieved to not have to do any of it." I get up from my desk and walk around to the loveseat to sit with him."You know Sweetheart, my services don't come cheap. This is gonna cost you plenty, over and above the cost to do all this. I bill at $250/hour, plus expenses.... sexual favors are extra." It was all I could do to keep a straight face, and he busted out laughing hysterically. "Baby, where do you come up with all this humor? Can I bank some payment right now?" He's all over me, trying to get my clothes off like an octopus with those hands. I grab his hands, "I AM SERIOUS, Mr Nelson! I said sexual favors cost extra." 

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