Alone-Part 2

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After quite some time holding each other in a loving embrace, he whispers in my ear, "Baby, do you want to sit in the hot tub now?" I nod my head yes. We get up and head back over to the hot tub. He gives me his hand and helps me in, following behind me. I find a jet to put my knee up against to make sure it does not flare up again. It feels fine and just ensuring it stays that way or he'll be all over it with me. He sits down and pulls me over sideways across his lap so I can keep that jet on my knee. "Baby, is your knee bothering you again?" Told ya. Shaking my head no, "No Sweetheart, Just making sure it stays okay." Cradling me in his arms, I reach up to his face with my hand, "Sweetheart, I promise I will tell you if it bothers me again. I just can't do it on my knees for now. Okay?" "Got it Baby. I know it would kill mine too." We both chuckle as I bury my head into his neck. "Sweetheart, and you're the one with the bad joints, not me." I bust out laughing. He is laughing too, "Baby, you've got that right. That's why I avoid hard surfaces." We are both hysterical in laughter. "Sweetheart, just face fact, those "Days of Wild' are gone!" Pulling me in closer, "Baby, you just pull stuff out of thin air. Your humor intoxicates me." "Sweetheart, we are not 20 something anymore. We are two old people, on vacation that remembered the Viagra this time." "Baby, your humor gets me and you know I don't need Viagra." "I know Sweetheart. Just making a point." Moving me down on his arm and kissing me with a lingering kiss. "Baby, can I sing to you tonight? I want to play my guitar and piano to work on a song in the lounge." "Oh Sweetheart, I'd love to do that. What's the song about?" "Not telling you yet. I have the music part down in my head, I need to come up with the lyrics." We get out of the hot tub but not without a little frisky play, both of us leaving very satisfied.

We head to the master suite to retrieve his guitar and while we are there, I put my knee support on to wear. "Baby, I thought your knee was alright?" I rolled my eyes at him in dismay, but reassure him, "It is Sweetheart. Just putting it on to keep it that way." It is just an elastic support for heaven's sake. We get to the lounge and he sits at the piano to play me a few songs. I just love it when he does this. I sit over and away from him to just listen, taking it all in. He sings me a few really meaningful songs that is trying to convey how he feels from his heart about me. I know what he is doing, he is reinforcing what he talked about earlier. He picks up his guitar and plays the song he played last night on the piano, the one I did not recognize. He told me that was the song he needed write lyrics to. He sits at piano with the guitar in his lap and starts to work on lyrics. I told him I was going to go get us a snack. I slip out and make my way to the galley where there is a crew member. I order a fruit and cheese tray along with a couple fruit drinks. I've already had my alcohol limit for the day(and then some) and it is subsiding now. While I was waiting for the food, I went to the master suite to check and see if Dolly made it. Yep, there's her box on my dressing table. I take her out and put her on. Let's see how long it takes him to notice. He wanted this so much, so I'll give it a whirl tonight to see if he can handle it. He's begging me to grow my hair out and I need to see how he reacts to her now. Let's see if he can indeed handle it. I head back to the galley and pick up the tray prepared for me. The stewardess preparing the snack tray noticed the change, "You look stunning Mrs. Nelson." I thanked her and headed back to him. She has no idea what's going on as I quietly sneek back into the lounge and sit down. 


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